Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Senior IAS Officer Shri Vineel Krishna,MD,OMC with additional charge of Director of Sports, MD,OMECL, is given the additional charge of OSD to Chief Minister Office (Covid management) in addition to his own duties. Shri Lala Manoj Kumar Ray, OAS (S), Joint Secretary, Department of Water Resources is posted as Joint Secretary in the office of the Hon’ble Chief Minister and Shri Subhranshu Mishra, OAS(SB), Sub-Collector, Cuttack is posted as Deputy Secretary in the office of the Chief Minister. Shri Pratap Kumar Beura, OAS(SB), Addl. Land Officer, GA&PG Department is posted as Sub-Collector, Cuttack vice Shri Subhranshu Mishra transferred.