“Take step for prevention and management of urban flooding “

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Housing and Urban Development Department today issued a set of checklists on prevention and management of urban flooding to all Collectors and Commissioners/EOs

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : The Housing and Urban Development Department today issued a set of checklists on prevention and management of urban flooding to all Collectors and Commissioners/EOs today to ensure that their respective districts & cities are not affected due to urban flooding. An SOP has already been issued in this regard by the department. Principal Secretary, H&UD G Mathi Vathanan emphasised upon the timely updation of the checklist and its execution. The checklist includes Unified Command& Control Room/Dedicated team, Identification of Flood Spots& Dedicated Team for Management, Drainage/Potholes Management, WaterLogging Management. “Collectors are requested to review the status of preparedness by the ULB. Properly Managing urban flooding will enhance the image of urban governance and mismanagement of urban flooding will cause bad publicity and create bad image for the Government. The Collectors are requested to personally supervise this activity and ensure minimal inconvenience to the general public.”

The check list include

Unified Command &Control Room/ Dedicated team
1 Whether dedicated unified Control Room established and Control room numbers/ Toll free numbers disseminated for wider awareness of citizens
2 Whether Nodal officers assigned for control room roster duty
3 Whether interdepartmental coordination meeting( including Fire services) conducted and all necessary activities have been lined up
Identification of Flood Spots & Dedicated Team for Management
4 Whether Potential flood spots identified
5 Whether dedicated officer& team assigned and tagged to each of the potential flood spots
Drainage/Potholes Management
6 Whether joint verification of drains completed by concerned drainage division/M.IDivision of Water Resources Department
7 Whether desilting of the drain completed
8 Whether clogged/chocked drains have been repaired
9 Whether all potholes or missing slabs on the covered drains identified & closed
10 Whether repairing of all potholes completed
11 Whether appropriate signagesinstalled to caution citizens on the dangers of opening in the drainage which could not be closed/repaired

12 Whether eviction of encroachments on the drainage channelsensured
13 Whether drain congestions cleared for free flow of water
14 Whether bar screens at appropriate places in Secondary and Tertiary drains and wire mesh installed
15 Whether arrangements for periodicalremoval of solid waste accumulation in such bar screens/wire mesh ensured by tagged teams
Water Logging Management
16 Whether potential Water logging and low lying areas identified
17 Whether arrangements of dewatering through pumps ensured
18 Whether adequate pumps/ DG sets with manpowerensured
19 Whether adequate fuel arrangements/backups for Pump sets /DG sets ensured

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