Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : The24th Mines Environment and Mineral Conservation (MEMC) Week has been celebrated at Thakurani iron ore mines of ArcelorMittal India Pvt. Ltd. (AMIPL)under the aegis of IBM Bhubaneswar. On the occasion, the mines manager Shri Pramod Kumar Mishra hoisted the flag in the premises of Thakurani mines in presence of the employees and workers.
The MEMC week inspection was conducted at Thakurani Iron Ore Mine by an inspection team led by the convenor Sri Arbind Kumar Jha, AGM mines, Lanjiberna Limestone and Dolomite Mines, M/s Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd andaccompanied by Sri Chandrakant Rath, DGM mines, Mahulsukha Iron and Manganese Mines, M/s Pattanaik Minerals (P) Ltd and Sri Vikas Ranjan Nayak, GM Mines, Gorumahisani, M/sG. S. Mishra & Sons.
To mark this occasion various environment awareness programmes like slogan, poster, debate, and essay competitions were organised. The students from nearby schools namely Saheed Ratan Padhan School, St. Mary School, Dalki School and Jindal Public School participated in the competitions. The employees of Thakurani mines performed in adrama based on environment along with school students.

Different organizations and associates, working under AMIPL put up their impressive stalls to showcase their work in the mining area. The CSR activities for community development and environmental management plan in mines area carried out by AMIPL were also displayed at the stalls. Sri Sushant Kumar Mahanta, Sr. Lead-Geology and QC highlighted the special activities undertaken by AMIPL forMines Environment and Mineral Conservation and Sustainable Mining.