Bringing birds closer to the community, the Tata Steel Mining way

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  • Awareness session and bird watching expedition organized in Sukinda Chromite Mine
  • 200 nest boxes for birds to be placed in each of the mining locations of the company

Sukinda(Kalinga Voice) : Two-day long awareness sessions on bird and bird watching expedition have been organised by Tata Steel Mining Limited (TSML) in its Sukinda Chromite Mine located in Jajpur district of Odisha. The awareness session, conducted by noted ornithologist Dr Justus Jousha, was aimed at creating awareness about diversity of birds and their influence on the overall ecosystem. It was attended by more than 300 employees and family members of Tata Steel Mining.

Besides more than 100 bird enthusiasts also visited the forest near the Sukinda Chromite Mine and Ragda Dam to watch and identify the birds in their natural habitat.

Speaking on the importance of birds for the biodiversity, Pankaj Kumar Satija, Managing Director,  Tata Steel Mining said, “Events like these have a strategic connect with the long-term plan that TSML has for restoring and rejuvenating biodiversity in the area. This is the first of such series of awareness sessions in last two years since pandemic to get all the stakeholders interested in the collective task of rebuilding the thriving ecosystem in a timebound sustained manner.”

By welcoming the participants and explaining the importance of birds for a vibrant ecosystem, Sushant Mishra, Senior General Manager, Tata Steel Mining said, “With an intent to build awareness and interest, this bird identification and exploratory site visit was planned with the help of biodiversity experts. We hope the participants will bring the best out of these sessions and encourage others for the cause.”.

There is a proposed project on niche nesting for birds, the space selected by the species for their feeding, resting, sleeping, nesting, breeding, and growing to secure safe environment and avoid competition with other species.  TSML has planned to establish 200 nest boxes in each of its mining locations. Putting up artificial nest boxes of different dimensions and hole sizes will enhance the availability of nesting space for both primary and secondary hole nesters and enhance bird diversity in the area. Based on its vast experience of restoring biodiversity in the mining area, TSML has evolved a ‘Biodiversity action framework’ which would serve as a guiding tool for all the stakeholders in the mining sector. This framework provides practical guidance for the progressive restoration and enhancement of biodiversity within the mines and to the extent possible, in the adjacent impacted areas. The measures proposed in the plan are subject to annual reviews which strive for a system of continuous and adaptive improvement.

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