Dalmia Bharat Salutes 123 Veteran Contractors across Eastern Region during ‘Aap Hain Sachche Viswakarma’ felicitation

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During company’s annual Vishwakarma Puja celebration in Odisha 35 Heroes of Construction were honoured, ensuring salience within region’s contractor fraternity

Bhubaneswar: Dalmia Bharat Limited (DBL), one of the nationsleading cement manufacturers, celebrated the valuable contributions of  123veteran contractors across the East region at its ‘Aap Hai SachcheViswakarma’ felicitation initiative. Saluting elderly retired contractors whose expertise and craftsmanship have made innumerable dream homes of Individual House Builders a reality, the event was held during the company’s annual Viswakarma Pooja celebration in Odisha.

Dalmia Bharat Limited started the Aap Hai SachcheViswakarma’initiative in 2020 to build salience within the contractor fraternity across the region. In its inaugural year, 14 Viswakarmaswere honoured, followed by 74 in 2021. This year, the cement major celebrated a record 123 veteran contractors across the region including including35 in Orissa.

Commenting on the company’s ‘Aap Hai SachcheViswakarma’initiative, a company spokesperson said, “Each year our company celebratesViswakarma Puja day  with our fraternity of Veteran Contractors by worshipping Lord Viswakarmawho is regarded as the God of Workmanship and Skill. As a mark of honour and gratitude towards our elderly contractors in the East region, we salute them,on this day, to commemorate their irreplacable craftsmanship that has helped build our nation. We hope that our ongoing efforts will help forge a strong  emotional connect as well as infuse a sense of respect that is an integral aspect of our Dalmia Bharat Limited value system.”

During the celebration, the life and work of selected senior contractors, encapsulated in aspecially-designedalbum, was shared with the entire contractor fraternity. The Viswakarmas were also presented with a mementohonour, a shawl, aWall clock in the presence of the senior contractors’ families, Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited senior functionaries and dealers, the contractor fraternity and the Dalmia Bharat team.

The felicitation was organised in the presence of over 1300 masons and contractors, Dalmia Bharat’s channel partners and key influencers. 

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