Jennifer Rumsey Promoted to President and CEO of CumminsTom

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Linebarger to Serve as Chairman of the Board and executive chairman

COLUMBUS, INDIANA – Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) announced that, effective August1, 2022, Tom Linebarger will end his term as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and JenniferRumsey, President and Chief Operating Officer (COO), will assume the role of President andCEO.

Rumsey will be theseventh CEOandfirstwomantoleadthecompanysinceitwasfoundedin1919. Linebarger will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and in anExecutive Chairman role, working directly with Rumsey on specific initiatives that position thecompanyfor continued success,including completing thependingacquisitionofMeritor.

“Jen is a once in a generation talent and the right leader for Cummins at this important time inour history,” said Linebarger. “She has been my partner in developing the Destination Zerostrategy, which sets forth how the decarbonization of our industry will be a significant growthopportunityforCummins.Herbackgroundasanengineerand technology expertiseprovidesher a deep understanding of the major technical changes taking place and how to capitalize onthem. Jen uniquely understands our customers and business, having worked in many differentparts of the business during her more than 20-year career, and in every role, she hasconsistently delivered results. Most recently, she led our global operations as COO during oneof the most challenging periods in our history, delivering record revenues and dramaticallyimproving product quality and our market position while addressing unprecedented supply chainconstraints. Most importantly, Jen is a principled leader who cares deeply about ourstakeholders. We share a common vision for Cummins, and I am confident that Jen will leadCumminsinto anevenmoreprosperousfuture.”

Tom Lynch, Cummins Lead Director, said, “On behalf of the Cummins board, I want to thankTom for his three decades at the company, including the last 15 years where he served first intheCOOroleandthen asCEO.His leadershiphas grownCummins’ globalbusiness,

positioned the company to lead in zero- and low-carbon solutions, anddeveloped a highlycapable and diverse management team to lead us through the technology transition. We lookforward to his continued contributions as Executive Chairman. During our long-term strategicplanning, the Board had the opportunity to see Jen lead on key business initiatives and co-author the Destination Zero strategy with Tom. Jen is the ideal choice to lead Cummins into itsnext chapter, and we are confident that Jen will drive continued success for our business andcustomers.”

Since taking on the role of COO in March 2021, Rumsey has overseen Cummins’ globaloperations. In February 2022, she was elected to the Cummins Board of Directors, and she willmaintainherseatontheboard.

“I am honored and proud to be appointed the next CEO of Cummins and excited about what thefuture holds for the company,” said Rumsey. “Growing up in Columbus, Indiana, whereCummins was founded, and spending most of my career here makes this announcementincredibly meaningful. I am grateful to Tom for his support and mentorship over the years and tothe Board for their confidence in my leadership. My technical background, business experienceand focus on people, purpose, and impact have prepared me for this moment. At Cummins, webuild solutions that serve our customers’ needs and better our planet both now and in the future.At a time when technology is evolving more rapidly than at any point in our history, we mustemphasize the critical role people play in our collective success. By putting people at the centerof everything we do, we will power the path to decarbonization and advance our mission ofpoweringamoreprosperousworld.”

Rumsey began her Cummins career working in Research and Technology, primarily focused onadvancing technology to reduce criteria pollutants from diesel engines. Since then, she has heldnumerouspositionsofincreasingresponsibilityandimpact,includingbringingnewplatformsand technologies to the market, driving improvements in product quality, and developing thecapability of global teams. She has also been deeply engaged with some of the company’s mostimportant original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partners. The leadership roles Rumsey hasheld include President of Components, where she oversaw a global portfolio of business unitsthat delivered profitable growth while ensuring power solutions met performance and emissionsgoals, and Chief Technical Officer, where she led strategic investments in key technologies andapplicationstotransitiontolowercarbonemissionsproducts,layingthefoundationyearsagofor the company’s New Power Business and Destination Zero strategy. Prior to Cummins,Rumsey workedforafuel cell technologycompany.

Rumsey is a member of the Society of Women Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, thePurdue Engineering Advisory Council and Women in Trucking Association. She holds aBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University and a Master of Sciencein Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Throughout her career,she has been an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion and women in STEM fields. Sheresides in Columbus with her husband and has two college age daughters who are bothpursuingengineering degrees.

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