Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre,Madurai Donates ₹10 lakhs towards Wayanad Landslide Relief

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Madurai:In the wake of one of the worst natural calamities in the recent times, Wayanad experienced heavy rains and landslides claiming many lives. Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre (MMHRC) comes forward to donate₹10 lakhsto Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund towards the devastating landslide in Wayanad.

Dr B Kannan, Medical Administrator, Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centrehanded over the demand draft toHonourable Chief Minister of Kerala Shri. Pinarayi Vijayanat Wayanad.

In a statement, Dr S. Gurushankar, Chairman, Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, Maduraicommented, “We are deeply pained to watch the visuals of several dead and injured by the nightmarish disaster. We humbly express our grief and assure that our team will stand by Honourable Chief Minister of Kerala in his efforts to rehabilitating Wayanad.At these trying times, we stand by the Government of Kerala in its rescue and rehabilitation measures.It requires an enormous effort to recover and reconstruct the damages done by the devastating landslide. Our contribution of ₹10 Lakhs to Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund and medical assistance is a token of our sharing grief and we hope Wayanad returns to normalcy soon. We will continue to assistthe Government and those affected in any way possible.”

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