Bhubaneswar/Tikiri: Utkal Alumina International Limited, a subsidiary of Hindalco Industries Limited of Aditya Birla Group is committed towards the health and wellbeing of it’s periphery villagers. As a responsible corporate, the company never leaves any stone unturned and go out of way to control any health-related crisis happens in it’s surrounding. Since last one week, there is an outbreak of Diarrhea in Kashipur Block specially in Tikiri and Dudukabahal Sub-center.
In a proactive manner, the medical team along with the CSR team of Utkal Alumina have visited Diarrhoea affected village Dudukabahaland JhodiaSahiTikirion 15th and 16th of July 2022. During the visit, Doctor from Utkal Hospital treated the Diarrhea Patient Krushna Gouda and supplied medicines along with halogen tablets in the presence of Sub Collector, Rayagada, BDO and TahasildarKashipur. Four more patients were also treated and supplied with medicines out of which three are children within the age range between 1 to 1.5 years. For disinfection of the surrounding village, Utkal Alumina has supplied 25 kgs of Bleaching powders to the Anganwadi worker of that village.

Afterwards the entire team of Utkal Alumina moved to another Diarrhoeaaffected hamlet i.e. JhodiaSahi of Tikiri. The Utkal Alumina team was actively involved with the medical team of CHC, Kashipur in extending required support services during home visits and treatment.
Utkal Hospital of Utkal Aluminais equipped with necessary facilities to deal with such crisis. Since last one week, 122 patients have been registered at Utkal Hospital, Oshapadawho are suffering from Diarrhea and Lose motion. Out of which 74 patients have given required medicines and doctors’ advice and 48 patients have been admitted and provided with adequate treatments. All the patients were discharged after successful recovery.

A special medical team has been formed who are extending doorstep medical support to the patient along with the coordination of Govt. Medical Team as per the requirement. A dedicated Ambulance has been stationed at Utkal Hospital for transportation of patients in case of emergency. In addition to it, the team CSR of Utkal Alumina is continuously creating awareness on preventive measures of Diarrhea and Lose motion in the surrounding villages.
On her visit to Diarrhoea affected area at Tikiri on 16th July 2022, SmtSwadha Dev Singh, IAS HonorableCollector and District Magistrate, Rayagadavisited the Utkal Hospital, Oshapada on 16th July 2022 along with Dr. Lalmohan Roy CDMO Rayagada, Sri BhimsenSabar Sub-Collector Rayagada, Sri DebasisKar BDO Kashipur, Sri Sarat Chandra SabarTahasildar Kashipur, Sri Rajesh Patnaik, DPMalong with other Government officials and discussed the matter with the Doctors and officials of Utkal Alumina. She asked the company authority to keep 30 beds ready to treat Diarrhoea patients in case of requirement.

Speaking on the situation, Sri Mazhar Being, Unit Head of Utkal Aluminaemphasized that, we are prepared to safeguard our community from such health crisis through our well equipped Utkal Hospital and other health related services. 28 beds are currently in service to treat Diarrhoea patient and 32 more beds will be kept ready to treat such patients. In case of further requirement, the number of beds will be increased. Our medical team and CSR team are on their forefront to control the crisis. I believe with the joint effort of Government Health Department and Utkal Alumina we would definitely control the outbreak and safeguard our community surrounding.