IIC Gaisilet in Vigilance net

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Baragarh : On the allegation of acquisition of disproportionate assets by Sri Birabar Bhagat, IIC Gaisilet P.S., Dist-Bargah, simultaneous house searches are being conducted by Odisha Vigilance today . The raid is Led by 2DSPs, 7 Inspectorts, 2 ASIs and other staff on the strength of search warrants issued by Special Judge, Vigilance, Sambalpur at the following 4 places in Sambalpur and Bargarh districts

(1) Residential building located at Anuguliapada, P.S.- Ainthapali, Dist- Sambalpur.

(2) Govt. Quarter of Sri Bhagat located at Gaisilet, Dist- Bargarh.

(3) Office chamber of Sri Bhagat located at Gaisilet P.S., Dist- Bargarh.

(4) Farm house of Sri Bhagat located at Village- Kabrapali, P.S.- Sadar, Dist- Sambalpur.

Search is in progress Further report follows and detail reports awaited

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