Ekaika Festival: Rithika’s Solo Odissi dance mesmerized the audience

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) – Guru Debaprasad Das’s dance institute TridharaorganisedEkaika- Solo Odissi Dance Festival today by portraying the Solo Odissi dance presented by Rithika Banerjee a noted dancer of Tridhara at RabindraMandap, Bhubaneswar.

The festival was inaugurated through lighting of the lamp bythe esteemed guests SudarsanSahoo, Founder Sudarsan Craft Museum; AnantaNaryan Jena, Hon’ble MLA, Bhubaneswar Central; Kishore Diwibedi, Chairman, World Odisha Society; S. K. Tamotia, Dean-cum-Director General & Vice Chairman, Bhavan’s Centre for Communication & Management; Minakshi Mishra, Regional Director, ICCR; PrabodhRath, Secretary, OdishaSangitaNatakAkademi; Bijay Kumar Jena, Principal, UtkalSangeetaMahavidyalaya; LaxmikantaPalit, Eminent Music Director; SanatKumar Mishra, Secretary, EkamraSanskrutikaPrakashini;Simanchal Panda, Working President, Tridhara and Guru Gajendra Panda, Director, Tridhara.

Rithika Banerjee’s first presentation was Mangalacharana LaxmiNrusinghaDhyana an invocatory dance dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi and God Nrushingha with SabdaSwaraPata set to Raga -MangalaGurjari and Lalit and Tala-Ekataliand Jati. Her next item was KirvaniPallavi set to Tala – Malika and OdiaAbhinya – Manaudharana by KabisamratUpendraBhanja set to Raga-Mishra Aaravi and Tala-Triputa. Next programme was video presentation on Rithika as an emerging Odissi Danseuse followed by Astapadi – YahiMadhava set to Raga – Bhairavi and Tala–Ektali and her last item was Mahalaxmi set to Raga-Malika and Tala-Malika. Her every movement of the body and each gesture of limb are analyzed with basic emotional steps, pattern of rhythm and musical note to make the dance form more elegant, attractive and meaningful. The dances were choreographed by Guru Gajendra Panda, music composed by Guru Gopal Chandra Panda and LaxmikantPalit, music directed by Guru BanamaliMoharana, Guru Dhaneswar Swain and Guru Sachidananda Das. She was accompanied on vocal by ShriSatyabrata Katha, on Mardala by ShriRamachandraBehera, on Sitar by ShriSwapneswarChakraborty, on flute by ShriJabahar Mishra.

The festival was produced by ShriRupam Banerjee and Smt. Barnali Banerjee, coordinated by Smt. Rina Panda and video documentation created by Shri Sanjay Bhatt.The programme was compere by Er. Dr. SrinibasGhatuary.

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