Dalmia Bharat Reaffirmsits Environmental Stewardship in Odisha through Vannmahotsava Celebration Initiatives

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Region’s cement leader plants 1500 saplings in the areas around Rajgangpur facility

Rajgangpur: Dalmia Bharat Limited (DBL) is reiterating its commitment towards environmental stewardship through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm, Dalmia Bharat Foundation (DBF), through its participation in the celebration of Vannmahotsava, annual tree-planting festival, to raise awareness about forest conservation and saving the environment. As part of the initiative, DBL planted 1500 saplings in the areas around its Rajgangpur cement facility, the colony and school to beautify its surroundings and make it clean and green.

As part of these initiatives, the region’s cement leader adopted a three-decade old, 3.8 acre, garbage dumping yard in Rajgangpurand renamed it Kishkindha Van which was inaugurated by Shri Ganesh WJirkuntwar, Sr. ED & National Manufacturing Head Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited.Featuring organic vegetable, fruits such as mango, guava, citrus, banana, as well as herbs with medicinal properties,the yard also includes a 30 foot well that will be used to irrigate organic vegetable/fruit plantations.Fruits saplings would be planted on one acre land, another 0.8 acres would be used for road, pathways, ridges & ponds and Organic Vegetable Cultivation will be done on the remaining 2 acres. In all 500 saplings would be planted over an area of 15378.6 SQM(3.8 acres) in Kishkindha Van.

To create awareness on the importance of Vanmahostav, the CSR and R&R team of the company organized various programs at Schools and colleges and distributed saplings to continue this noble initiative for a greener society. In addition to this, Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd has also provided saplings like lemon, litchi, cashew and coconut etc to Choukidarpara village of Katang. Students, teachers/professors from two schools andNCC scouts – guides, Red Cross and NSS Units from S D Women’s college, Rajgangpur also participated along with local residents and community peoplein large numbers during the week-long plantation drive.

Speaking about the initiative,Shri Ganesh WJirkuntwar said,“We believe in a sustainable future for a better tomorrow and this can only be possible when we continue to partake in a shared purpose of environmental stewardship. Over the past many years, our company has successfully been able to create a green forest around our Rajgangpurfacilty, in Lanjiberna and its adjoining villages. With the help of the State Horticulture Department, we want to expand our drive to create awareness about environmental protection and the conservation of nature.”

In the recent past, DBL has planted almost 33,000 trees in and around the Rajgangpurfacilty surroundings and the Lanjibernamines area. Between December 2021 and January 2022 itself, a total of 14000 trees were planted at Line 3 Unit and mines area while in March 2022, 5068 trees were planted in a record span of 11 days at the colony and facility area.

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