General Body Meeting of CSIR Joint Consultative Machinery (Staff Side) at CSIR_IMMT

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : CSIR-Joint Consultative Machinery (Staff Side) General Body Meeting held on 4th&5thOctober 2021 at CSIR-IMMT S SBhattanagar Hall.Prof. Sudhasatwa Basu, Director, Controller of Administration, Sh. K. Subramanian, EX- Secretary JCM   formally inaugurated the General Body Meeting on 4th October 2021.

In these two days meeting executive JCM members of 11 national laboratories attended for electing the New JCM secretary. The morning session was Chair by Ex JCM secretary Mr. K. Subramanian (CSIR-NAL, Bengaluru). The meeting was started with the scope of JCM in reference with the present carrier progression policy scenario of the technical, support and admin staff of the CSIR laboratories in India. 

This session started with the Prayer of almighty God by Mr. SaketVihari from CSIR-NPL, New Delhi and Votes of thanks by Newly elected JCM Secretary Mr. RamjeetYadav from CSIR-CDRI, lucknow. Several JCM member of different Laboratories of India like IICT Hyderabad, CFTRI Mysore, CDRI Lucknow,NAL, Bengaluru,CCMB Hyderabad, NPL, New Delhi  expressed their views and requested the CSIR authority to Implement the restructuring report, headed by Dr.AlokDhawan as soon as possible.

The President of Group II Technical Association of CSIR-IMMT Mr. ShyamalenduDigalexplained the problems of the working staff in the CSIR Laboratories and request the New JCM Secretary to put this recommendation in front of the Authority for the benefits of employee.

The Second Session was chaired by the Director CSIR-IMMT Bhubaneswar,Prof. Sudhasatwa Bsus.The other officials Controller of Administration Sri BishnuCharanSahoo,Sri ShyamalenduDigal,President Gr.IITechnical Service Association, Sri Ashok Kumar Behera General Secretary,Shri Ramjeet Yadav,Ms Sashikala –CSIR-,Mr Kalyan-CISO,,Organising Committee members,and eleven CSIR-Institute  JCM members across the country participated in the session.

The CSIR-JCM, represented by Eleven CSIR Laboratories, office bearers of service associations and JCM Executive Committee Members and others delivered their individual views and opinions briefly. Resolutions passed with sincere thanks to the Director and Controller of administration for giving whole heart support.

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