Increase coordination between natural gas producers and consumers-Dharmendra Pradhan

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Union Minister attended “Seventh IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum”

NEW DELHI / Bhubaneswar: Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Thursday attended a “Seventh IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum” organized by the Malaysian government this year through video conferencing from New Delhi to promote natural gas. In his keynote address, Mr Pradhan shared his views on finding new market principles & mechanisms, including delinking LNG markets from oil markets, addressing rigidities in LNG marketing structures for expanding the global demand for LNG.

Union Minister Mr Pradhan said there is a need now to identify opportunities that came after the Covid epidemic. In his deliberation, he also stressed developing greater synergies between natural gas producing and consuming nations to seize the opportunities presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. He too put emphasis promote the greater use of natural gas for a decarbonized and sustainable world.

Mr Pradhan espressed his happiness that the Gujarat model is being used as a case study and said “We are adapting the Gujarat model across the country to transform India into a gas-based economy. Gujarat has set an example with 25% share of natural gas in primary energy mix vis-à-vis 6.3% at national level.”

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