Indian Railways Undertakes Massive Cleanliness Drive, Covering 45.20 crore of Square Meters of area during this year Swachhata pakhwada

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  •  Over 450,000 People Participate in Swachhata Initiatives Across Indian Railways
  • Indian Railways Plants Over 263,000 Saplings in Swachhata Pakhwada Drive
  • 2259 anti littering drives were launched where 12,609 persons were penalized and 177133 persons were counseled for not littering across Railway premises
  • This year special focus was kept on cleanliness of Railway track located in station adjacent areas and areas around tracks falling in urban/semi urban areas

New Delhi: Indian Railways has always been a key participant of Government of India’s Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) with theme ‘Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat’ and with extensive initiatives to ensure a cleaner and more hygienic travel experience for passengers.

During Pakhwada period, Indian Railways’ Units undertook day wise plan/ activities like plantation drive, Swachh SamwaadSwachh RailgaadiSwachh StationSwachh ParisarSwachh AaharSwachh Parsadhan etc. This year special focus was kept on cleanliness of Railway track located in station adjacent areas and areas around tracks falling in urban/semi urban areas, cleanliness of drains & toilets, cleaning of railway colonies, Railway buildings/establishments etc

During Swachhata Pakhwada 2024, Indian Railway has performed a remarkable exercise w.r.t. cleanliness Details are as under:-

  • 7285 number of stations, 2754 trains and 18331 offices were covered for extensive cleanliness during the Pakhwada.
  • 45.20 crore square meter area was cleaned up.
  • A total length of 20,182 kms of tracks were cleaned.
  • 465723 persons took part in Swachhata Pleade/Shramdan activities.
  • 1,17,56,611 meter of drains were cleaned up during the campaign.
  • On 821 locations, Nukkad Nataks were organized for the awareness of passengers.
  • 2259 anti littering drives were launched over Indian Railways where 12,609 persons were penalized and 177133 persons were counseled for not littering the Railway premises.
  • 1541 Swachhata awareness webinars/seminars were organized which were attended by 66,188 persons.
  • During the drive, 2,63,643 number of saplings were planted.
  • At Railway Workshops, 5400 tons of scrap was collected during the Pakhwada.
  • Overall, 4619 tons of waste was collected during Pakhwada.
  • 710 tons of plastic waste was removed.
  • 19,759 number of Dust bins were installed.
  • As a part of feedback mechanism, 50,276 SMS/feedbacks were obtained from passengers regarding cleanliness levels.
  • Swachh Aahar drives were launched at around 2597 locations and around 6960 number of food stalls were deeply cleaned. Similarly, Swachh Neer drives were launched at around 4478 locations and around 17579 number of water booths were cleaned.
  • ‘Waste to Art’ selfie points were created at 452 stations.

Every Railway personal took part the campaign whole heartedly, with around 2100 action plans & 3250 nos. of different kind of cleanliness activities under aforesaid day wise plans like swachhata pakhwada logo & banners have been posted on Railways’ website, announcement in trains/stations for proper disposals of waste in trains/stations for passenger awareness, Prabhat Pheris taken out with the slogan “Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat” to raise awareness, Nukkad Nataks organized with the help of NGOs, Religious bodies and School children at railway stations for awareness of passengers, people are encouraged to desist from open defecation in areas approaching stations, on track, in yard or depot premises through IEC, Do/Don’t posters displayed for passengers on cleanliness, Intensive cleaning of Railway premises (Stations, Trains, Railway Colonies, Retiring/Waiting Rooms, Running Rooms, Rest House and Dormitories canteens, food stalls in and around station premises).

Like every year, since inception of swachhata pakhwada, Indian Railways has been observing Swachhata Pakhwada every year with true spirit. This year, IR has observed swachhata pakhwada from 1st October to 15th October 2024.

Chairman & CEO,Railway Board, Shri Satish Kumar launched the Swachhata Pakhwada programme on 01st Oct, 2024, from conference hall of Rail Bhawan by administrating Swachhata Pledge.Shri Kumar encouraged the Railway officials to keep their ambient clean and urged that we should not constraint cleanliness practices only during this fort night campaign but all time through the year. A skit performance was also organized by Railway Board’s officials for spreading awareness for cleanliness among people. Under the campaign ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’, around 2,000 saplings were distributed among Railway officials at Rail Bhawan, in inaugural function. Winner of essay competition on subject Swabhav Swachhata – Sanskar Swachata were awarded by Chairman & CEO, Railway Board. A health camp for personals of Railway Board engaged in cleanliness activates was also organized wherein around 120 personals were covered.

Indian Railway always endeavor to carry such campaigns in a ‘Whole of Society Approach’ with emphasis on people’s participation making ‘sanitation everyone’s business’. Indian Railways remains committed to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. The initiatives undertaken during Swachhata Pakhwada will continue to be implemented to ensure a cleaner, greener and more sustainable travel experience for all.

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