Jagdale Healthcare Announces Clinical Study Results on Mulmina® for its Immune Boosting Benefits in Children

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  • Mulmina®,made of a natural refreshing blend of immune nutrients like fruit, herbs and with essential vitamins and minerals,has shown positive results in boosting children immunity, shows Indian clinical study
  • Mulmina® is the only scientifically proven ready to drink immune booster, anti-oxidant drink in a tetra pack

Bengaluru :Jagdale Healthcare, a division of Jagdale Industries Pvt Ltd, recently announced the results of a clinical study on their popular health drink Mulmina®. Suitable for consumption for all age groups, including children. Mulmina® is composed of natural superfoods and is the only ready to drink immune booster, anti-oxidantdrink in a tetra pack. The research proved the inherent immune-boosting properties of the drink make it abetteralternative to other health beverages.

During the wake of the ongoing pandemic, more& more people are looking for better measures for preventive health.With the global increase of COVID cases, healthcarecompanies across the world are exploringa viable preventive and curative option for the disease. Unfortunately, many parents concerned about exposing their children to the coronavirus have delayed or bypassed basic health care protocols for their kids making them vulnerable to infections. Ayurvedic medicines such as Turmeric, Gotu Kula have been well studied in combination with Mango, is now clinically proven to have a definite part to play in increasing immunity in children between 7-14 years.

Dr.SowmyaNagarajan, Consultant Paediatrician, Mallige Hospital, Bengaluru, said “This study proves that a combination of Mango, Gotu kola and Turmeric with essential vitamins and minerals when used in adjunct to antibiotics in select patients with respiratory tract infections showed increase in immunity and antioxidant level as proved by blood analysis at regular intervals of time. This will provide direction to further studies on how nutraceutical products can act as adujuncts in therapy”.

Clinical studies carried out in a renowned medical institute and research centre on children with respiratory infections managed with Mulmina® Mango (Combination of Mango, Gotu kola/Centella Asiatica and Turmeric) along with the standard treatment protocol have shown a significant increase in anti-oxidant markers and Immune markers in 14 and 28 days period. In addition, these studies have also proven to reduce inflammatory markers like C – Reactive Protein (CRP) and increasedTotal anti-oxidant capacity.

Mr.Rajesh Jagdale, Chairman & Managing Director – Jagdale Industries, India, said,“we believe in providing world class scientifically researched products, which are clinically proven and have an ease of adaptability in to the general life style of the population. True knowledge should be shared for the benefit of all”.

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