40 Ministries/Departments have been mandated to earmark funds in the range of 4.3% to 17.5% for tribal development

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New Delhi/Kalinga Voice

Studies conducted by the Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs) have highlighted the challenges faced by tribal people. Some of the studies undertaken by Tribal Research Institute, Maharashtra are as under:

  1. Migration of Vulnerable Tribes in Maharashtra – Livelihood Resources, Health and Food habits of Korku Tribe
  2. Migration of Vulnerable Tribes in Maharashtra – Livelihood Resources, Health and Food habits of Katkari Tribe
  3. TRIBECON: National Conference on “Tribal Health Research – Issues, Challenges & Opportunities”
  4. Ethnographic Study of Bhilala and Pavra Communities of Buldhana District
  5. Health and Nutritional needs of Adolescent Girls in Ashram schools: a study in Maharashtra
  6. Status of Implementation of Forest Rights Act, 2006 (Gadchiroli and Nandurbar Districts)
  7. Handbook on Cultural Affinity for Tribal Identity Claims in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology, Savitribal Pune University, Pune.
  8. Ethnographic Study of 45 Tribes in Maharashtra
  9. Control the Population decline among Katkari tribe (PVTG Group) through Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition
  10. Maternal and Child health status of Kolam Tribe and Media Tribe (PVTG group)

Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) [now called Scheduled Tribe Component (STC)] Strategy was adopted in 5th Five Year Plan (1974-75) for accelerated development of tribal people. It envisages channelizing the flow of outlays & benefits from all sectors of development to ST population. TSP funds are dedicated source of fund for tribal development. Apart from Ministry of Tribal Affairs, 40 Central Ministries/Departments have been mandated to earmark Tribal Sub-Plan funds in the range of 4.3% to 17.5% of their total Scheme allocation every year for tribal development. Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides additive to these initiatives by way of plugging gaps. The efforts made through TSP / STC Strategy has brought out improvements for tribals in terms of various indices relating to literacy, health, livelihood, etc. The list of Schemes/ Programmes of Ministry of Tribal Affairs is given below.


S. No.Name of the Scheme / Programme
1Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Tribal Sub Scheme (TSS)
2Grants-in-aid under Article 275(1) of the Constitution
3Pre-Matric Scholarship for needy Scheduled Tribe Students studying in Classes IX & X
4Post – Matric Scholarship Scheme (PMS)
5National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students
 I. National Fellowship for ST Students
 II. Scholarship Scheme (Top Class Education) for ST Students
6National Overseas Scholarship Scheme for Higher Studies Abroad
7Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Produce (MSP for MFP)
8Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS)
9Grants-in-aid to Voluntary Organisations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes.
10Support to Tribal Research Institutes
11Scheme for Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)
12Tribal Festival, Research, information and Mass Education
13Equity Support to National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation(NSTFDC)/ State Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporations(STFDCs)
14Institutional Support for Marketing and Development of Tribal Products (TRIFED etc.)

This information was given by Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Shri Arjun Munda in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.

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