5-T College Transformation Program Under ‘Mo College’

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11 Colleges of Ganjam District will be revamped

Bhubaneswar: Just like Schools, Colleges will be transformed in State. The Higher Education infra will be revamped completely. From smart class rooms to e-library, all the modern amenities will be established in different colleges dedicated towards students of higher educational institutions. With global standard laboratory and improved Classrooms, now students will have a whole new experience while pursuing higher studies. Under 5-T college Transformation program, 11(Eleven) colleges of Ganjam District will be overhaul completely with ‘Mo College’ Abhijan.

For the transformation of 8(Eight) +2 colleges/higher secondary school and 3(three) Degree Colleges of Ganjam district, a mammoth contribution of Rs.4,50,00,000(Four-Crore-Fifty-Lakhs) has been made by M/s Rungta Sons Pvt. Ltd under its ‘CSR’ fund. The amount is received under the supervision of Collector & DM of Ganjam. Double matching grant of the amount i.e. Rs.9,00,00,000(Nine-Crore) was later granted by Govt.under ‘Mo College’ Abhijan.

From this enormous contributed amount, different higher secondary schools of Ganjam district Hinjilicutblock’s Shri Beleswar Higher Secondary School of Gandala-Belagam, Khambeya Dora Science Higher Secondary school of Pochilima, Government Higher Secondary School of Kanchuru and OAVS Hinjilicut, SasanAmbagaon with Hinjilicut Municipality’s Science Higher Secondary School, Pittala Higher Secondary School, Udaya Pratap Science Higher Secondary school, OAV Sheragada of Sheragada Block and Degree Colleges like Shri Beleswara Degree Mahavidyalaya, Science College(Autonomous)Hinjilicut and Udaya Pratap Science Degree College of Sheragada Block will be developed.

Through this transformation program, students will be enriched with advanced smart classrooms, new auditoriums, common rooms, new toilets, Basketball and Volleyball Courts to transform them in every perspective.Likewise other higher secondary schools and degree colleges will also be accessing to smart class rooms, improved infra, wider exposure through e-libraries, hygiene through better toilet facilities and different sports to improve students in all aspects of life.

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