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New Delhi/Kalinga Voice : For the benefit of the farmers, Ministry of Railways has introduced Kisan Rail services for movement of perishable goods like vegetables, fruits to the market in a short period of time. As agriculture produce needs best possible distribution and returns. Kisan Rail will ensure that agro products reach from one corner to another corner of the country in stipulated time and in fresh condition.   Keeping in view the above, Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has agreed to extend subsidy of 50% on transportation of notified fruits and vegetables through Kisan Rail Trains. It has extended the Operation Greens scheme from Tomato, Onion and Potato (TOP) to all fruits and vegetable (TOTAL). Fruits include Mango, Banana, Guava, Kiwi, Lichi, Papaya, Citrus , Pineapple , Pomegranate and Jackfruit. Any other fruit or vegetable can be added in future on the basis of ministry of Agriculture or State Government.   Zonal Railways have been requested to extend the subsidy of 50% for transportation of notified fruits and vegetables. The Chief Parcel supervisor of the loading station will be responsible for ensuring that only the notified commodities are extended benefits of this scheme.  In this regard East Coast Railway has also taken the initiative to carry perishable items with immediate effect. Railways will maintain the grant of subsidy including Consignor, Consignee, Train Number, Permanent Way Bill Number and Amount to ensure proper and timely account. This is for a duration of six months.

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