A review of the Minister of Higher Education’s Nua-O programme

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  • The duration of Nua-O program in education has been extended till January 15
  • More promotion of social work
  • Competition to generate interest in videography and photography among students
  • Awarding of certificates by SAMS Lab to the students who participated in the competition

Bhubaneswar,26/12/2023:A meeting was held at the Conference Hall of the Rural Development Department under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister, Higher Education Sri AtanuSabyasachiNayak and the Commissioner –Cum- Secretary, Higher Education Department Sri ArbindAgrawal regarding the monitoring of the “Nua O” Programme.

All the 7 Nodal officers of the NUA-O funded Departments such as: Higher Education, School & Mass Education, Agriculture and Farmer’s Empowerment, Sports and Youth Services, Health and Family welfare, Skill Development and Technical Education and ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department along with the funded Institutions were attended the said meeting on virtual platform.

The HEIs were earlier instructed to complete the 03 core activities, those are Sports, Cultural & Social work activities by 31.12.2023. However, the Sports and Youth Services Department will extend the dateline for Sports & Cultural activities up to 15.01.2024. There will be no dateline for Social work activities. The HEIs may continue the said activity even after the month of February. All the HEIs were requested to upload the photographs.

As decided in the meeting, the students participated in the programs should be provided a System generated certificate for the future reference.

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