AM/NS India’s doorstep healthcare service brings cheers to communities

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Bhubaneswar: The doorstep health care services provided by ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India)has brought cheers to the communities at its operating locations. With the rolling out of Mobile Medical Unitsat the periphery village sat Paradeep, Koida and Barbil,AM/NS India has successfully touched more than1,00,000 livesdirectly and indirectly in more than seven gram panchayats of three districts.

Jayanti Sethy (58 years) from Bhutmundei village is all praise for AM/NS India for receiving the much needed in-time medical support. A daily wager Jayanti,who was suffering from Osteo- Arthritis and Anaemiahad lost all hopes as this disease had negatively impactedher quality of life. When the condition of her health became critical, Jayanti with high hopesattended the health camp by AM/NS India. The Mobile Medical Unit,MMU staff including the Social Protection Officer had counselled her with care and provided all medical facilities like free medicines and regular health check-up. Now her health condition is much better than before.

The CSR team of AM/NS India along with the mobile medical unit regularly visits the nearby villages and provides free medical counselling, conducts pathological test, and administers free medicines to the patients. The unit comprising of a qualified and experienced doctor, pharmacist and other staff visits the peripheral villages of AM/NS India business operation on designated days across the week. The doctor and pharmacist also visit homes of the critical patients to provide medical support and guidance and offer referral services to the in-need patients. Awareness camps are also conducted on various health and hygiene issues to make the community members aware to adopt best practices and lead healthy lives.

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