An appeal- To young & enthusiastic people of Odisha

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“Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often”

Bhubaneswar,: Every year, the world observes 14th June as Blood Donor Day in order to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and to thank blood donors for their voluntary gift of blood. This year’s theme is “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often” to encourage more voluntary blood donation.

Blood and blood products are essential resources for effective management of women suffering from bleeding associated with pregnancy and childbirth; children suffering from severe anaemia due to malaria and malnutrition; patients with blood and bone marrow disorders, inherited disorders of hemoglobin and immune deficiency conditions; victims of trauma, emergencies, disasters and accidents; as well as patients undergoing advanced medical and surgical procedures. “Best gift of life is to donate blood and bring smile to the patient.

“We in Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar believe in safe blood transfusion. Hence visit us and see the reality,” said Dr. Dipika Mohanty, Director Lab Services and Sr. Consultant, Department of Hematology. The Blood Centre of Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar is conveying its sincere thanks to all blood donors. We are encouraging new blood donors and creating an awareness to donate blood. Through our social media campaign we are encouraging people to register and donate blood. Even within the hospital we are informing doctors, staff and patient relatives to come forward to donate blood to save life, said Dr. Satish Mishra, Blood Bank Officer of Apollo Blood Bank.

Blood Transfusion can save life of many critically ill patients when given in the right time. Patients suffering from trauma, road accidents, oncology disorders undergoing surgical procedures during child birth and Hematological disorders frequently require blood for survival. In a vast country like India having a huge population, the demand for Transfusion is very high against blood collected and reserved in the blood Centers. To bridge this gap, we need many dedicated volunteer blood donors. Blood Transfusion is a mini Transplant. “At Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar’s Blood Bank Centre we prepare 100% Blood Components from the collected whole Blood it means from a single donor we prepare three Blood components such as Packed Red Blood Cell, Fresh Frozen Plasma and Platelet Concentrate which can be used for three different patients,” said Dr. Mishra.

To cater the needs of the patients of a tertiary care hospital like Apollo we require regular blood donors continuously. Many times attendants of patients coming from distant areas search blood donors for their patients who require blood transfusion for survival. The voluntary blood donor comes to them like a divine blessing in their hour crisis. We salute the voluntary donors for their noble gesture and dedication, said Dr. Alok Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer & Director Medical Services. On the occasion of World Blood Donors Day on 14th June 2023 we appeal to all (18 to 65 years) to come forward and donate blood to save life, appealed Dr. Srivastava. Shri Sudhir M Diggikar, Regional CEO of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd said that “Gift of Blood is the gift of life;blood donation is a symbol of love and care to the patient in need. As a token of humanity and love for almighty, we should donate blood” to save precious life. Donating Blood improves mental health, improves overall cardiovascular health, lowers risk of stroke & lowers the risk of cancer too. The most important benefit of blood donation is that a single donation can save the lives of 3-4 patients, added Shri Diggikar.

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