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Bhubaneswar,(Kalinga Voice) : The resilience and combative attitude of the medical team at the SUM Covid Hospital here has enabled a 93-year-old woman to defeat coronavirus on Sunday.
            Basanti Patra, mother of Jaleswar legislator Mr. Aswini Kumar Patra, was diagnosed with the virus on October 2 and was admitted into the hospital three days later complaining of fever and vomiting.
            The doctors, nurses and paramedics focused on her co-morbidities which included cardiac problem, kidney issue, stones in the gall bladder, hypertension and diabetes. But Patra responded to the treatment and her condition improved steadily over the last one week culminating in her discharge from the hospital.
            “I am truly pleased with the kind of care my mother received in the hospital which enabled her to come around from such a situation. I thank the management of SOA Deemed to be University for doing a fantastic job in this battle against Covid-19,” Mr. Aswini Kumar Patra said.

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