Art Gallery and Art Studio ‘Abhikhya’ inaugurated at East Coast Railway to promote local Art and culture
Bhubaneswar,(Kalinga Voice): ‘Abhikhya’, an Art Gallery & Art Studio has been opened at East Coast Railway. Shri Vidya Bhushan, General Manager/East Coast Railway, inaugurated this Art Gallery and Art Studio in presence of Shri Sudhir Kumar, AGM/ECoR , Sri S. K. Singh, DRM/Khurda Road and other senior officials and staff.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Vidya Bhushan said that this art gallery and art studio will serve in refining and nurturing the artistic talents of Railway employees and their wards. Paintings and art of some renowned artists from Railway family were also exhibited on this occasion.
Paintings made by national level artist Shri P. Shyam Sundar Achary which is based on various themes like Tribal culture, Mother Monalisa etc.; three –dimensional art by Guinness Book Record holder Dr. Malla Siva and miniature art on rice prepared by Shri Bibekananda Nayak were the highlights of this exhibition. All the above artists are employees of East Coast Railway.

In Art Studio, artist will make their arts and they will be provided all the facilities for that purpose. After completion of the art work, it will be displayed in Art gallery. General Manager, Shri Vidya Bhushan also suggested to organize exhibition of these art works so that artists will be motivated further to excel in their creativity.
A wall magazine ‘Atasi Kusuma’ was also inaugurated at Rail Sadan by General Manager, Shri Vidya Bhushan. On this occasion Shri Vidya Bhushan appreciated the literary and creative talent of the railwaymen and said these platforms will encourage and bring out the hidden talents of our staff and officers.
Sri Vidya Bhushan informed that Railway family is full of artistic and other creative talents, need is to identify and give them a platform to flourish. ‘Abhikhya’ Art Gallery & Studio and ‘Atasi Kusuma’ wall magazine are such platforms. Shri Ashok Mishra, DGM/ECoR co-ordinated the function.