Bharat Sanskriti Yatra inaugurated

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Bhubaneswar: – Hindusthan Art & Music Society in collaboration with Tridhara, Bhubaneswar organised Bharat Sanskriti Yatra a festival of Indian Classical Music & Dance was vibrantly inaugurated at Bhanja Kala Mandap, Bhubaneswar. The main objective for organized this festival is to creating and sustaining awareness of Indian classical traditions in dance and music. The festival is to be planned to spread over 5 Countries, 18 States, 26 Cities with 35 Concerts and 100+ Maestros.The festival was supported under National Presence Scheme by Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

Evening programme started with Sitar &SarodJugalbandi by Pandit Mormukut & Manoj Kedia accompanied by Shri Durjoy Bhoumick on table.Their first item was RaagMalhar followed by different Indian classical music set to different Rag and Tal.Nextprogramme was soloOdissi dance by Guru SujataMohapatra. She was presented Mangalacharan and Astapadi. Followed by another solo Odissi dance by eminent Odissi danseuse Sanchita Mukherjee. She was presentedAbhinayaDroupadi from the epic Mahabharat. The music was composed by Guru Ramhari Das and dance was choreographed by Guru Pankaj Das.Last presentation was Group Odissi Dance by the studentsof Nabaprativa, Puri. They were presented MahariBesa followed by ChandanYatra and Durga Puja celebrated in Shree Mandir. The items were choreographed by Guru Ashok Kumar Das.

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