Rayagada (Saroj Kumar Sahu): UANAT the flagship livelihood initiative of UAIL a unit of Hindalco Industries Limited of Aditya Birla Group had geared up its impetus at Kashipur and organized a block-level project inception workshop on 17.03.2021 at the block conference hall. The objective of this workshop is to officially launch the program at Kashipur and to sensitize Government officials, PRI members, and opinion leaders about the project. The program was also focused on exploring the potential opportunities of convergence with Government schemes.

Overview of project UANAT along with aim, objectives, output, outcome, program components, budget distributions, and scope of Government convergence was explained by the implementing agency CYSD (Centre for Youth and Social Development).
Government officials have briefed about available schemes and programs of their respective departments and assured to extend all possible support to the project.
Sri Tuku Barika, PA ITDA Rayagada, Sri Balaram Patra, ABDO Kashipur, Smt Ruai Majhi, Block Chairman Kashipur, Dr. Lopamudra Priyadarshini, GM Community Relation and Sustainability UAIL, Mr. Prafulla Kumar Maharana, Asst. Director Operation CYSD were among the dignitaries shared the Dias.
Asst. Agriculture Officer Kashipur, Asst. Horticulture Officer Kashipur, Block Veterinary officer Kashipur, JE, Odisha Lift Irrigation Corporation Kashipur, and Gram Panchayat Extension Officer Kashipur were among the dignitaries present from Government line departments.
Sri Tuku Barika appreciated the effort made by UAIL and BRLF in launching the program at Kashipur and elaborated on the components and benefits of the program which is related to the socio-economic development of the people. Mr. Ramesh Swain Team Leader UANAT-CYSD along his team had coordinated the entire workshop.

52 SHGs leaders and PRI members of 6 GPs (Kucheipadar, Hadiguda, Dongasil, Kodipari, Mainkanch and Chandragiri) have witnessed the event.
UANAT UTKALS ACTION FOR AGRICULTURE TRANSFORMATION is a flagship livelihoods initiative by UAIL at Kashipur Block of Rayagada and Thuamul Rampur Block of Kalahandi Odisha in partnership with Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation (BRLF). The aim of this project is to double the income of 15000 small and marginal farmers, landless families and forest dwellers of Kashipur and Thuamul Rampur over a period of 4 years.
As a responsible corporate citizen, UAIL is deeply engaged in executing its CSR activities in peripheral villages in the area of education, healthcare, sustainable livelihood, and rural infrastructure and addressing the issues of social concern, overall UAIL is engaged in 57 villages serving more than 30,000 populations in Odisha.