BMC achieves major milestone against COVID-19

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More than 10 lakh doses administered in Temple City

Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : : Continuing it’s multi-pronged strategy against the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) in association with the Health and Family Welfare Department, has achieved a milestone by administering more than 10 lakh doses.

Combining the achievement of both government and private vaccination centres, while 6,30,191 citizens have taken their first dose, out of the same 3,79,505 citizens have taken both the doses in the city and as such have been completely vaccinated.

“We have adopted a very elaborate and inclusive plan to cover all citizens, age groups and sections of the society, so that as a city, we can fight a well-strategised battle against the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, we need to continue the COVID appropriate behaviour even after the vaccination is done,” said BMC Commissioner Sri Sanjay Kumar Singh.


Coming to the age group of above 45 years, cumulative beneficiaries who have taken their first dose at government and private CVCs from January till 14th June 2021are 3,45,342 , out of which 2,27,995 have been completely vaccinated in government and private centres, combined.

18-44 YEARS

Under this age bracket, cumulative beneficiaries vaccinated with the first dose till June 14 is 1,90,439. On the other hand, the cumulative beneficiaries who have received both the doses include 81,645 citizens of the State Capital.


Under this important categories total beneficiaries who have been administered with both doses are 34,040 .


While 51,713 people coming under the frontline workers category have been administered with the first dose of Covaxin, 32,939 have been given both the jabs to make them build a protective shield to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a nutshell, while under this massive vaccination drive across the Temple City, total 6,20,968 jabs of the first dose of Covaxin have been given to citizens, frontline workers and health care workers, both doses of Vaccine have been completed for 3,76,805 persons by June 14 through the Government run vaccination centers and time to time inclusion of private centres as well .


It can be noted here that in order to make the Vaccination Programme a great success and effective, BMC has constantly being organising special vaccination centres for slum residents, police and para military staff, journalists, bankers, judiciary staff, students and staff of IIT Bhubaneswar, inmates of Shelter for Urban Homeless, Beggar Homes, Old-age homes, hospitality industry, Chemists and Druggists, food delivery agents, security personnel, corporates, State Pollution Control Board, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Bhubaneswar Branch, Utkal Chamber of Commerce and transgender community members among others.

Special drives are also going on for students going abroad for higher studies by appointment through 1929 24×7 Call Centre.

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