Capacity Building 3-day Workshop on Application of Technology in DisasterManagement and Disaster risk reduction

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Bhubneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Sri Sri University (SSU) in association with the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) is organizing a three day Online Training Programme on “Capacity Building on Application of Technology in Disaster Management and Disaster risk reduction” from 5-7, July 2021. The objective of the workshop is to train the students and faculty to understand the application of technology in disaster risk management. It will build the desirable resilience to face the challenges in a disaster in a scientific manner and mitigate the risk.

The event is inaugurated on 5th July 2021 with virtual lighting of the lamp and sacred chants of Samskrut. Ms. Mani Goswami, Deputy Dean at the office of the Vice Chancellor introduced the guests. Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Sri SriUniversity  presented  few case studies of the use the modern technology in disaster management across the globe and appreciated the Disaster Management initiatives by the Government of Odisha. He also told that Sri Sri University designed a four-credit paper on Disaster Management for the students of all streams.Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta, Head of Department, ECDRM Division, NIDM explained the whole idea and objectives behind the training program.

Shri Pradip Jena, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Development Commissioner, Planning and Convergence Department; Special Relief Commissioner, Odisha and Managing Director, Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) graced the occasion as the chief guest. In his address, he explained the gradual improvement of the early warning system for mitigation-based disaster management and disaster risk reduction with the advancement in science and technology in India. He stressed the increasing intensity and frequencies of the disaster in recent times. He spoke about many disasters viz., flood, drought, cyclone, lightning, thunderstorm and narrated how Odisha has come off the age in Disaster mitigation and played the role of giving hands-on training to many professionals across the globe. The precision to which IMD is forecasting rainfall, thunder, and lightning is praiseworthy. If we advance more on early warning dissemination tools, we can reduce the risk of a disaster to a significant extent.  With the use of Artificial Intelligence and other adaptive technologies the disaster risk reduction can be done significantly. Odisha has witnessed five cyclones in last 30 months. There were zero casualties in cyclones like Bulbul and Amphan and only three deaths in Yaas. In the backdrop of the 1999 super cyclone which shook Odisha, the casualties were very low or nil in recent times. The disaster resilient Odisha could be achieved by building the capacity of communities, local administration, local representatives by preparing them with adequate information and equipping them to face the disaster in an intelligent manner along with advanced technological support.

He also narrated how many lives lost in the recent past in some states of India due to lightning. Can we create a system of warning beforehand for lightning to reduce casualty? In Odisha, with the help of a private agency, the Government is able to know about the lightning and thunderstorm 30-45 minutes before and the intimation has been sent to those areas to take precautions and save lives. He also invited Sri Sri University to collaborate in various academic initiatives of the Government of Odisha. Prof. R. N. Satpathy, Dean, Faculty of Emerging Technologies and Director, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Sri Sri University. gave the vote of thanks for the inaugural session.

At the beginning of the technical session, Ms. KopalVerma, Junior consultant, ECDRM division, NIDM spoke about the basic science behind climate change, the concept of mitigation and adaptation. This was followed by a talk on “Challenges and Opportunities of Application of Scientific Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction” by Prof. (Dr.) NiranjanSwarup (Director General, Indian Society for Trenchless Technology, IndSTT, India.

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