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Chief District Veterinary Officer, Nuapada, Sri Trilochan Dhal was intercepted by Odisha Vigilance at Nuapada-Khariar Road near Tarini Temple while he was proceeding towards Cuttack carrying ill-gotten money to the tune of Rs. 2,27,000/- in a Govt. Swift Dezire Car. During the search, Rs 50,000 and cash of Rs.51,200/- from his Govt. residential quarter at Nuapada were further recovered from his office. The total ill-gotten money of Rs3,28,200 has been seized.

On receipt of reliable information regarding collection of huge cash
by Sri Trilochan Dhal, Chief District Veterinary Officer (CDVO), Dist-Nuapada as illegal gratification from different sources, the officers of
Vigilance Koraput Division kept a close watch over the movement and activities of Sri Dhal.
Accordingly, today i.e. on 08.08.2021, Vigilance Officers of Koraput Division intercepted him at 4.00 AM near Tarini temple, Nuapada, while he was plying towards Cuttack on a Govt. Swift Dzire car. During interception, a sum of Rs.2,27,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Twenty-seven Thousand) was found from the possession of Sri Dhal (CDVO), which he could not account for satisfactorily.
Following the interception, office room, residential Govt. quarter of Sri Dhal at Nuapada and his house at native village Naraj, PS-Baranga, Dist-Cuttack are being searched. During search, cash of Rs.50,000/- from his office table drawer and cash of Rs.51,200/- from his Govt. residential quarter at Nuapada have been found. All totalling to Rs 3,28,200/- (Rupees Three Lakhs Twenty-eight Thousand Two Hundred) has been seized. Three teams led by 3 DSsP, 4 Inspectors and other staff are conducting search.

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