Book written by Journalist Bibhuti Pati “Swoon Seasons” released
New Delhi (Kalinga Voice) : There is a need to bring issues of global warming, climate change, environmental degradation, desertification and irregularities in weather pattern to the forefront and create a mass awareness regarding them. This was the concern shared by the eminent weather scientist and Director General of IMD DG Dr.Mrutyunjaya Mohapatra on the occasion of the inauguration of the book “Swoon Seasons” written by a Delhi-based journalist BibhutiPati. Dr.Mohapatrasaid, “The journalists should highlight the environmental threats that pose one of the serious challenges to human existence”. He emphasised that protection of biodiversity and ecology is a moral and ethical responsibilities of all human beings. Emphasising these factsDr.Mohapatra mentioned that environmental reporting should be the top most priority for young journalist. At the same time he expressed his concern on how environmental journalists are being hounded by different bodies and face serious threats around the world. Though climate change is a global phenomenon yet its impact is very critical on the local front and it needs immediate action at the local level.

Swoon Seasons is a worthy guide to the general public, journalists, writers, researchers, lovers of ecology and the environment on the visible and not so visible impacts of climate change. It will also provide good knowledge to the people on how to tackle climate change threats and protect their environment. Writer BibhutiPati in his book Swoon Seasons has talked about local and comprehensive climate change, global warming, and greenhouse gas emissions issues that threatened to jeopardise the very existence of our planet. The series of reports in the book Swoon Seasons is substantiated by research and followed by analysis. The book also presents views and opinions of various national and international climate scientists, environmentalists, and ecology and biodiversity experts. It also includes United Nation’s database reports for its readers. The book focuses on various plans and programmes which have been initiated and taken by our governments and administrations to handle the climate change crisis.

The inauguration ceremony of the book Swoon Seasons was held at IMD conferences hall and was attended by many more eminent weather forecast scientists and experts on climate change, global warming and other environmentalists. The book was lauded for its title ‘Swoon Seasons’ which is very relevant for the modern age crisis.