Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : A Review Meeting of Urban Local Bodies pertaining to 6 districts, Cuttack , Jajpur , Kendrapada ,Jagatsinghpur , Anugol and Dhenkanal was held at Vyasanagar Chaired by Principal Secretary, Housing & Urban Development Department G Mathivathanan. The objective of this meeting was to review the progress of implementation of various developmental activities in those urban areas.Focus was on sanitation and Jaga Mission. All the stakeholders present at the meeting were directed to adhere to the timelines. Mr Mathi has also warned Urban Officials to perform in a very transparent and effective manner failing which Administrative action will be initiated against the defaulters.
The progress in implementation of various key urban initiatives i.e. JAGA Mission, Construction and Operationalisation of Micro Composting Centres and Material Recovery Facilities in ULBs, Revenue Generation, Smart Street Lights, Water supply position and Livelihood Mission was also reviewed and the target was set against each activity for the effective implementation of the schemes and programmes. Emphasis was given on internal revenue generation to make the ULBs self-sustainable. Apart from that, review of development works under different schemes was undertaken. All were instructed to utilise the funds and to submit utilisation certificate quickly. Similarly, sanitation issues and the issue of Land Right certificates were discussed. All Collectors were requested to take the stock of the situation at their level and to take required action. Director Municipal Administration, Joint Secretary & Deputy Secretary from the Department attended the meeting.

Sangramjit Naik , Director Municipal Administration gave introductory address .Among others Kalyan kumar Rath , Addl Secy , Pravat kumar Mohapatra Jt .Secy and Sarada Panda Deputy Secretary cum Addl Director SUDA spoke on various schemes . Collectors, Project Directors DUDAs, Commissioner CMC , Executive officers and concerned officials from District Administration and ULBs attended the review meeting.