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BHUBANESWAR(Kalinga Voice)

Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik today announced a special package of rupees three hundred crores for livelihood support for the farmers affected by recent floods.Incessant rainfall and consequent flood during the week of August, 2020 in different districts have caused damage to the standing crops.To ameliorate the suffering of the affected farmers and others, the State Government have decided to announce the following package for livelihood support:

Agriculture Sector:

  1. Agriculture input subsidy will be provided to the small and marginal farmers who have sustained crop loss of 33% and above @Rs. 6,800/- per hectare of land in rain-fed/non irrigated areas, Rs.13,500/- per hectare of land in areas under assured irrigation, and Rs.18,000/- per hectare for all types of perennial crops. Perennial crops will include mango, cashew, coconut, kewra, betel vine etc. The assistance shall be provided to the actual cultivators. Agricultural input subsidy to any affected farmer shall not be less than Rs.2000/- for perennial crops and Rs.1000/- for other crops.
  2. 20,000 pulse seed minikits will be provided to the Flood affected farmers during Rabi 2020.
  3. 60,000 acres of demonstration programmes of different crops will be taken up in affected districts in the ensuing Rabi season.
  4. 2,000 pump sets shall be provided with 50% subsidy limited to a maximum of Rs.15,000/-.
  5. 5,000 power sprayers will be made available to the Flood affected farmers at a subsidy of 50% limited to maximum of Rs.3,000/- for battery operated sprayers and Rs.600/- for hand operated sprayers.
  6. One lakh farmers will be trained on seed treatment programme with free supply of seed treatment chemicals /bio-pesticides to cover one lakh acres for increasing production in Rabi crops.
  7. Immediate steps will be taken to arrange and distribute quality certified seeds in sufficient quantity for the Rabi season. Special assistance will be provided to the farmers with higher subsidy around 75% on Certified Quality Seeds
  8. Farm Mechanisation Subsidy of Rs.10 crore will be disbursed to the affected districts.
  9. Expeditious steps will be taken for crop loss assessment and steps will be taken for invoking mid-season adversity under the Crop Insurance Scheme.
  10. One lakh farmers will be provided with vegetable kits involving seeds of Palak, Beans, Cowpea, Tomato, Chilli and Radish etc. to meet their immediate needs through kitchen garden at the Rs.130/- per kit.
  11. 75,000 farmers will be provided with 10 nos. of quick growing fruit species like Papaya, Banana and Drumstick @ Rs.160/- per affected farmers to raise backyard garden in the flood affected districts.
  12. Rs.500/Unit will be provided for Shade Net/ Thatched Structure for renovation of 10,000 Mushroom Units affected by flood to farmers/ WSHGs for livelihood support.

Farm Credit:

  1. Short Term Kharif loans advanced in the food affected areas having crop loss of 33% and above shall be converted into Medium Term (Conversion) loans.
  2. Due date of Short Term Kharif loans advanced in the affected areas shall be extended by one year from the date of finance (maximum upto 30th September 2022) to facilitate conversion of such loans into Medium Term (Conversion) loans.
  3. Affected farmers shall be provided fresh finance for Rabi cultivation during coming Rabi season commencing from 01.10.2020.
    Animal Resources Development Sector:
  4. Assistance for replacement of animals shall be provided towards loss of animals @ Rs 30,000/- per milch cow and buffalo, Rs. 25,000/- per draught animal (upto 3 animals), Rs 16,000/- per calf (upto 6 animals), Rs.3,000/- per goat (upto 30 animals), Rs 50/- per poutry bird (maximum Rs 5000/-)
    Fisheries sector:
  5. Financial assistance of Rs.12,200/- per hectare will be provided to fish farmers (Freshwater/ Brackish water) for repair of damaged fish ponds/ dykes.
  6. Input subsidy @ Rs 8200/- per ha. will be given for de-silting/ restoration/ repair of damaged fish seed farm.
    Handloom & Handicrafts Sector:
  7. Assistance of Rs.4100/- per weaver/ handicrafts artisan will be provided for replacement tools/ equipment and Rs.4100/- per weaver/ handicrafts artisan towards loss of raw materials/ goods in process/ finished goods.
    Employment Generation:
  8. Works under MGNREGA will be intensified once flood water subsides. The focus will be given on works like repair and maintenance of GP roads, Playfields, canals, earthen bunds, goat shed, cowshed, and fodder cultivation.

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