COVID Fight : CM urged BJD MLAs to work with a committed spirit

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Bhubaneswar(KVB) : “You are very important. People have reposed faith in your leadership. In your every act, every move, every step you should inspire our workers and people at large to follow Covidguidelines and take care of themselves and their families. ” chief minister Navin Pattanaik urged BJD MLAs to work with committed spirit while interacting with them today .
CM said the MLAs ” I am happy to meet you all on the auspicious BahudaYatra Day. May we all pray to Lord Jagannath for his blessings for the human race to cross this unprecedented crisis.
With the blessings of Lord, peoples’ co-operation, hard work of peoples’ representatives and Government servants, Odisha is in a better State in our fight against Covid. We have one of the highest recovery rates in the country and one of the lowest mortality rates anywhere. We still have a long way to go and we have entered the most challenging phase in our fight against Covid.
Nearly 7 lakh people have returned to Odisha after lockdown. Thanks to our unique concept of TMC, we could manage this situation. As you all know, train charges and Rs.2000 financial support was borne by the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. In addition to that, 14 days food and all other facilities were provided completely free of cost.”
CM said ” Odisha is one of the few States which bears the entire cost of CovidCare end to end – Test, hospital accommodation, treatment charges, medicines, transport – everything. This facility is for all residents of Odisha- no BPL/APL, no rich/poor, no rural/urban etc. All brothers/ sisters of Odisha are availing this benefit. Apart from this, Government provided social and food security by issuing 4-month ration and pensions in advance. In addition to this, 2.5 crore meals have been provided by Mission Shakti groups to vulnerable people. From setting up Covid hospitals to making medical equipments available and training of manpower, we have done it in record time.
Whether it is lockdown or shutdown, our approach has been scientific. And our strategy has been community based with monitoring through advanced technology. Along with this, empowering over Sarpanches and community institutions, the dedicated hard work done by our CovidWarriors – and above all the sacrifice of four and half crore people of our State has made Odisha a Model in Covidmanagement. But we have a long way to go and we are entering the most critical phase.
CM cautioned the MLAs ” It is monsoon season and almost 10,000 people come to Odisha everyday mostly from hotspot cities. We have further decentralized our monitoring system to the ward level. All of you are leaders and respected in your areas. People look up to you in these crucial times.As MLAs you might have done many development works in your constituencies. But this situation of Corona pandemic will be your biggest challenge in public life, as it concerns life and death of people. This also provides a unique opportunity to serve the people like never before.” said cm and urged to give priority ti the following few points . .

  1. BJD should scale up JeevanBindu blood donation programme.
  2. Our workers in every village should volunteer in all Covidrelated programmes.
  3. Elderly people are most vulnerable. We must take care of them.
  4. Spread awareness on Mask and social distancing.
  5. Avoid public gatherings and use other methods to connect using technology.
  6. Each of the 50,000 CovidCare Committees at ward level is provided Rs.10,000/- from CMRF
  7. Each Panchayat will have CovidCare Home. Rs.50,000/- is sanctioned for each Covid Care Home.
  8. Livelihood and skill development activities are being aggressively taken up.

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