CSIR – IMMT celebrated its 59th Foundation Day

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Bhubaneswar/ Kalinga Voice: The CSIR-IMMT (Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology), Bhubaneswar today celebrated its 59thfoundation day in the presence of Chief Guest Sridhar Patra, Chairman cum Managing Director, NALCO, Guest of Honor Mahendra Kumar Gupta, IRPS, Joint Secretary, CSIR, Prof. Rahul Mitra, Professor, IIT Kharagpur, Prof. S Basu, Director, CSIR-IMMT, Dr. A.K. Sahu, Chairman, Foundation Day Celebration Committee &several other scientists, officials, and staff members.

Speaking on this occasion Chief Guest Sri Sridhar Patra, Chairman cum Managing Director, NALCO, said, now we are at a point where we need to think of a sustainable society. We need to emphasize both on industrialization as well as protection of our environment. Our action and thought process should be integrated. CSIR-IMMT is doing a fabulous job in the research and development work for the betterment of the Industrial sector.

Welcoming the guests and dignitaries Prof. S. BasuDirector, CSIR-IMMTpresented the Annual Report of the Institution. Prof. Basu Said, IMMT was able to work on various projects both funded by government and private agencies. In past pandemic situation IMMT developed many assistive device products related to Covid-19. Department successfully working at the state of the art “slurry pilot plant test loop facility” for hydraulic transportation of iron ore and set up an incubation center of IMMT for the young entrepreneurs or startups.  He also thanked to all scientist, technical, administrative staff members and students of IMMT who’s sincere efforts made this pandemic difficult year to a successful time. Director, Prof. S. Basu also said that JIGYASA is an important program of CSIR-IMMT and such student visit programs will be have great impact on students mind. He thanked all scientists and research scholars involved in demonstrating many important experiments and facilities to school and college students.

Hindi Magazine Abhivyaktiwas released on this occasion.

Delivering the foundation Day Lecture on “Light weight and high-temperature materials for structural applications: challenges and innovations”, Prof. RahulMitra, IIT Kharagpur said, this is my first visit toIMMT Bhubaneswar Campus and I am very happy to see such high standard experimental labs which is now very essential and important to deal with the requirements from Govt or Industry sector developments.

Guest of Honour Sri Mahendra Kumar Gupta, IRPS, Joint Secretary, CSIR mentioned that IMMT plays major role in developments of Industrial sectorusing Metal and Minerals experiment technology.

On this occasion under “Project Jigyasa” ascience experiment demonstration program was organized. Students from 5 different school and colleges of Khordha districtlike Govt. RRL project school, SaraswatiSishuVidyaMandirJaydevVihar and SaraswatiSishuVidyaMandirNiladriVihar, Meridian residential college, KMBBScience Higher secondary school participated in this demonstration program.

Jigyasa program Head Dr. Debi prasad Das, said, “This science demonstration is familiarization of science through real experiments so that students can feel it & understand it in a better way. Around 350 students of School and college students accompanied by their teachers visited different labs of CSIR-IMMT & witnessed live demonstration of experiments. An entrepreneur’s meet was organized at The Common Research & Technology Development Hub of CSIR-IMMT. The celebration ended with award giving ceremony and different cultural activities by the students, staff members of CSIR-IMMT.

Dr. A.K. Sahu, Chairman, Foundation Day Celebration Committee thanked all the guests, dignitaries, and delegates for their participation in the foundation day celebration.

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