Dramatized expressions in Kathak and Odissi mesmerized the audience

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Konark Festival 2020 closed

Konark (Kalinga Voice) : The concluding evening of Konark Festival witnessed amazing dance rendition in Odissi and Kathak being enchanted by rhythmic portrayals of Love. The senior artists from GKCM Odissi Research Centre came up on the stage with Mangalacharan dedicated to Lord Surya Deva, the presiding deity in the temple at Konark. It was followed by Shankaravarana Pallavi on the compositions of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and Guru Bhubaneswar Mishra. The enactment of Krushna Gatha on the popular lyrics of Odia medieval poets exhibited love between Krishna, Radha and Gopis.

The Kathak classical recital commenced with Ganesh Stuti depicting Love as devotion. The artists from Drishtikon repertory presented Utsav love as celebration depicting purity in movement and rhythm. In Kathak Triveni exhibiting musical composition based on the three rivers enthralled one and all. The concluding item in Kathak was changing landscape – love as passion. Love as a life force got rhythmically recited on the stage to the appreciation of the viewers.

The evening’s programme started with the ceremonial lamp lighting by J. P. Panigrahi, Minister Tourism; Tusarkanti Behera, Minister Sports and Youth Services; Bishnupada Sethi, Principal Secretary, Odia Language, Literature and Culture; Vishal Kumar Dev, Secretary, Tourism and Sachin Ramachandra Jadhav, Director Tourism. Dr Mrutyunjaya Rath and Samhati Pani compared the programme and officers from the Department of Tourism, Odisha Sangita Natak Academy and GKCM Odissi Research Centre helped the evening’s performance staged.

The International Sand Art Festival also concluded in an artistic note with sketch of bravura piece of art on sand carrying a message.

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