Drug De-addiction Drive to be strengthened : SSEPD Dept. seeks Cooperation of NGOs

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : As drug addiction is emerging to be a serious problem in the country having dangerous consequences, well coordinated and active de-addiction awareness drive has been mooted by the Department of Social Security and Empowerment of PwDs (SSEPD).
The Department has sought the cooperation of various spiritual organisations and NGOs in this regard to have visible impact. Representatives of as many as 19 organisations have given consent for handholding support to the Department, while components such as preventive and valueeducation, massive awareness generation, capacity building and focused intervention in vulnerable areas have been emphasised.
Department has planned for inclusive activities with the NGOs, publication of an online newsletter pertaining drug de-addiction and its success, sustained social media campaign etc.
Sri Bishnupada Sethi, Principal Secretary, SSEPD Department said that initiative will be a joint exercise with collective responsibility to fight drug menace. Giving importance on awareness drive, Sri Sethi said that value education,corrective measures, running of wellness centre will make the partnering visible and effective. SSEPD Deptt. has signed Non-financial MoUs with 19 spiritual organisations and NGOs for Drug Deaddiction campaign. In a programme held in SIDR Building, Capital Hospital here today, representatives of the organisations discussed threadbare on the issues of participatory interventions.

Department has signed Non-financial MoUs with National Service Scheme, Child and Women Development Society, Art of Living, Isha Foundation, Rotary International, Society for Children, Ramkrishna Mission, Salaam Jeevan, New Life Wellness Trust, Gopabandhu Seva Parishad, Natural Institute for Social Welfare, Stasang Vihar, Satyasai Seva Organisation, NISWASS, Vivekananda Kendra, VIKALP, JEETA Organisation, Youth for Voluntary Work and Punnya Ashram.
Niyati Pattnaik, Director has signed above MoUs on behalf the Department while Dillip Kumar Roy, Special Secretary, Santosh Kumar Pradhan and Deepak Routray, Addl. Secretary along with senior officers were present in the signing event.

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