- Highest ever loading any October and highest in current fiscal
- ECoR carried 104.88MT of freight till October of current fiscal
- ECoR loaded 59.63MT of coal during the period.
- 12 Rakes of Fly Ash loaded from ECoR jurisdiction to Cement Plants.
Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : East CoastRailway has carried 16.37 million tonne of freight in the month of October 2020which is highest loading of the current fiscal, i.e. from 1st April to 31st October, 2020 and highest ever loading in any October.
ECoR hascarried 0.97MT more freight in October, 2020 by increasing a growth of 6.29%.In October, 2019; this Railway had carried 15.40MT of freight.
Up to the endof October, 2020 of the current financial year; East Coast Railway has carried104.88MT of freight. This include 59.63MT of Coal, 13.38MT of Iron Ore, 8.84mtof Iron & Steel, 3.98mt of raw materials for Steel Plants, 3.61mt offertilizer, 1.65mt of container, 1.43mt of food grains, 1.39mt of PetroleumProducts and 10.97mt of other commodities.
Due to theefforts of Business Development Unit of ECoR, Fly Ash now being transported todifferent States which are being utilised in Cement Plants as raw materials.Altogether, 12 rakes of fly ash have been transported from ECoR jurisdictiontowards different Cement industries and other industrial firms. This will alsoboost the freight loading of ECoR.
To achievethis loading figure, East Coast Railway has utilised 7942 wagons per day in themonth of October, 2020 only and 7391 wagons per day up to October, 2020 of thecurrent financial year.

This hasachieved despite lockdown and closure & less workforce in industries and inmineral units under East Coast Railway jurisdiction. To get this remarkableperformance, East Coast Railway has utilized its manpower and rolling stockitems with proper planning and coordination with Govt Sectors and Industries.
Under the ableleadership and guidance of General Manager Shri Vidya Bhushan, East CoastRailway consistently reviewing freight performance through the BusinessDevelopment Units, integrating innovative policy making with stability andcertainty in the logistics sector, attracting new avenues for modal transitfrom rail to road. For this outstanding feat, The Member (Operations andBusiness Development ), Railway Board, Sh Purnendu Mishra has congratulated TheGeneral Manager Shri Vidya Bhusan. With this pace the zone is all likely toachieve the targets set for this financial year.

To achieve thesuccess, East Coast Railway gives credit to its hardworking and dedicated staffin all its three divisions apart from the efforts and cooperation from allstakeholders including collieries, ports, steel plants, cement, Alumina plants,petroleum companies and Food Corporation of India, etc.