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  • ECoR carried 130.16MT of freight till 10TH December of current fiscal 
  • ECoR loaded 72.99MT of coal during the period. 
  • About 142 Rakes of freight being loaded from ECoR jurisdictions. 

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice)  East CoastRailway has carried 6.44 million tonne of freight in the 1st tendays of December, 2020 of the current financial year i.e. from 1st to 10thDecember, 2020 by increasing 12.5% more than the corresponding period of 2019. Inthe 1st ten days of December, 2019, ECoR has loaded 5.73 milliontonne of freight.   

 Up to 10thDecember, 2020 of the current financial year; East Coast Railway has carried 130.16MTof freight. This include 72.99MT of Coal, 17.36MT of Iron Ore, 11.08mt of Iron& Steel, 4.87mt of raw materials for Steel Plants, 4.63mt of fertilizer, 1.98mtof container, 1.76mt of food grains, 1.74mt of Petroleum Products and 13.75mtof other commodities.   
 To achievethis loading figure, East Coast Railway has utilised 177 Rakes per day in the 1stten days of December, 2020 as against 157.9 rakes during the correspondenceperiod of last financial year. Similarly, up to 10th December, 2020;East Coast Railway has utilised about 142 rakes per day from 1stApril, 2020 and aims to load more rakes to achieve the goal.

 During theperiod, i.e. from 1st April to 10th December, 2020; EastCoast Railway has utilised 40.7 rakes per day in Talcher area, 19.2 rakes inParadeep area, 13.4 rakes in Dhamara area, 13.9 in Vizag area, 8.4 inGangavaram area, 6.3 in Keonjhar Nayagarh area, 9.6 in KK Line, 14.3 in SteelPlants areas, 6.7 in Aluminium Plants areas and 9.8 rakes per day in otherareas of it’s jurisdiction.  

 This hasachieved despite lockdown and closure & less workforce in industries and inmineral units under East Coast Railway jurisdiction. To get this remarkableperformance, East Coast Railway has utilized its manpower and rolling stockitems with proper planning and coordination with Govt Sectors and Industries.  

 Under the ableleadership & guidance and also consistently review in freight loading performanceconsistently by General Manager Shri Vidya Bhushan, East Coast Railway hasachieved remarkable performance. Apart from this, the Business DevelopmentUnits of East Coast Railway integrating innovative policy making with stabilityand certainty in the logistics sectors by attracting new avenues for modaltransit from rail to road.   

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