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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice)

Shri Vidya Bhushan, General Manager, East Coast Railway administered the oath o¬n “Vigilance Awareness” to the Staff and Officers of East Coast Railway at ECoR headquarters through virtual means this morning, to eradicate corruption for economic, political & social progress of the country.

The Vigilance Awareness Week, which commenced from today i.e. on 27th October, 2020, will continue up to 02nd November 2020. During this period, a massive awareness campaign has been launched to educate the people in general & Rail Users in particular to bring transparency in public life. Virtual Seminars are being conducted. Banners, Posters are displayed to create vigilance awareness among the Railway Employees as well as Rail Users.

The oath taking ceremony was attended by, amongst others, Shri Sudhir Kumar, Addl. General Manager and all Principal Heads of Departments. Other officers and staff have taken the Integrity Pledge at their work places. Shri H. K. Dutta, Chief Vigilance Officer cum Senior Dy. General Manager of ECoR co-ordinated the oath taking ceremony.

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