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  •  1st Zonal Railway to reach 150Million Tonne of loading. 
  • Up to the end of 3rd quarter of the current fiscal, ECoR carried 144.25MT of freight. 
  • ECoR loaded 84.10MT of coal till 10th January, 2021 of current fiscal. 
  • About 9945 Wagons per day in December and 7899 per day up to December, 2020 have been utilised in freight loading from ECoR jurisdictions. 
  • In December 2020, ECoR loaded more than 10 thousand wagons per day for 18times. 
  •  East CoastRailway has carried 150.86 million tonne of freight traffic up to 10th January,2021 of the current financial year, i.e. from 1st April, 2020 and became the1st Zonal Railway to reach 150 MT freight loading in the current fiscal.  

Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Up to 10th January, 2021 of the current financial year; East Coast Railway has carried84.10MT of Coal, 20.50MT of Iron Ore, 13.03mt of Iron & Steel, 5.67mt ofraw materials for Steel Plants, 5.30mt of fertilizer, 2.29mt of the container,2.05mt of food grains, 2.03mt of Petroleum Products and 15.88mt of other commodities.  

In the last 10days, i.e. from 1st to 10th January 2021, East Coast Railway has carried 6.58million tonne of freight registering a growth of 15.6% from the corresponding period of last year, i.e. from 1st to 10th January 2020. From 1st to 10th January, 2020, East Coast Railway had loaded 5.69 million tonne of freight traffic. 

 East CoastRailway has carried 20.53 million tonne of freight in the month of December 2020 only of the current financial year by increasing 11.8% more than the corresponding period of 2019. In December 2019, ECoR has loaded 18.36 million-tonne of freight.    

Up to the end of December, 2020 of the current financial year; East Coast Railway has carried144.25MT of freight. This includes 80.50MT of Coal, 19.50MT of Iron Ore, 12.44mtof Iron & Steel, 5.25mt of raw materials for Steel Plants, 5.16mt of fertilizer, 2.21mt of the container, 1.93mt of food grains, 1.95mt of PetroleumProducts and 14.77mt of other commodities.  

 To achievethis loading figure, East Coast Railway has utilised 9945 Wagons per day inDecember, 2020 as against 8864 wagons during the correspondence period of lastfinancial year. Similarly, up to the end of December, 2020; East Coast Railwayhas utilised about 7899 wagons per day from 1st April, 2020 and aims to loadmore rakes to achieve the goal.  

 This has been achieved despite lockdown and closure & less workforce in industries and mineral units under East Coast Railway jurisdiction. To get this remarkable performance, East Coast Railway has utilized its manpower and rolling stock items with proper planning and coordination with Govt Sectors and Industries.   

Under the able leadership & guidance of its General Manager Shri Vidya Bhushan, East CoastRailway has achieved remarkable performance. Apart from this, the BusinessDevelopment Units of East Coast Railway integrating innovative policymaking with stability and certainty in the logistics sectors by attracting new avenues for modal transit from rail to road    

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