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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) :  Four RPF officers including Divisional Security Commissioner of Khurda Road M. Sambasiva Rao, Inspectors Shamlal Sahadevan & Anil Kumar Singh and Sub Inspector PramodKumar Pani have been awarded with DG Insignia.   

 Shri M. SambasivaRao has made strategic plans and sincere efforts by monitoring the works,reducing the number of pending trials, Crowd Management and action againstillegal travelling and upliftment of barracks etc. He is a strategic Planner inmega Bandobast events.  

 Shri Shamlal Sahadevan played extraordinary professional ability while discharging his duties. He does relentless and dedicated efforts in streamlining and optimizing the operational efficiencies and has major contribution in uplifting internal vigilance system.  

 Shri Anil Kumar Singh has contributed in detecting big rackets related to e-ticketing, recovering cannabis, rescuing left behind luggages and arresting children traffickers along with arresting fake recruitment rackets. He played a vitalrole in restoration of Puri railway station which was affected by cyclone Fani.  

 Shri Pramod KumarPani maintains proven, impeccable and self guided integrity and maintains excellent rapport with internal and external agencies. He has immense contribution in handling recruitment drive and other important security-related works.   

 DG Insignia is the highest award from DG/RPF of the Railway Board. Usually, it is awarded once in a life time, barring exceptional achievements, when it is awarded again. 

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