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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : To consolidate the land records so as to give access to the land records under its jurisdiction easily, East Coast Railway has set up a Land Record Task Force.

In a review meeting on land issues in East Coast Railway jurisdiction, General Manager Shri Vidya Bhushan has advised officials to form a Land Record Task Force under the Chairmanship of Chief General Engineer. Estate Officers of all the three Divisions, i.e. from Khurda Road, Waltair and Sambalpur will be the members of the Task Force including member of Mancheswar Carriage Repair Workshop and Deputy General Manager (General). The task force will take stock of total land estate of ECoR, state wise and district wise, will arrange authentication of the title deeds/RoRs in possession, to pursue swift acquisition of title deeds/RoRs for every land or plot not available and will plan, co-ordinate, monitor and ensure effective demarcation of Railway land boundaries at site on each land/plot.

This will pursue settlement of disputes/disagreements regarding ownership of each land in possession of ECoR, pursue and monitor signing of land licensing agreements wherever not available or expired and also to achieve a digital inventory of all land in possession of ECoR with relevant data. This Land Record Task Force of East Coast Railway shall device its own modalities and process for achieving its objectives. General Manager Shri Vidya Bhushan also directed officials to sort out and complete the task within 31st March, 2021.

With regards to Estate Management, General Manager Shri Vidya Bhushan advised for a comprehensive estate management Policy for effective estate management and uniform implementation. He stressed for assessing quarters which do not have a nominated garage. Efficient garage management should be done for preventing unauthorized parking. He also issued guidelines for management of activity centres and public spaces.

On social Forestry the General Manager stressed on The fact that open spaces should have small area of soft soil space so that different types of plants can be arranged in a better manner. He advised that areas that have scarce soft soil, trees with large canopy and large girth should not be planted as that those will create shadows on buildings and roots will not spread deep & wide threatening the existing buildings and structures. Such areas should be planted with fruit and flower trees.

The General Manager has also directed officials not to plant trees by drilling a narrow hole through concrete as this will not allow enough space for roots to grow and also threatens built up spaces. Shri Vidya BHushan also instructed officials to create soft soil kerb at both side of roads to plant trees. He directed that all trees planted after Cyclone Fani should be relocated as per new directions.


East Coast Railway has also stressed on Social Forestry and horticulture on its residential areas by sapling plants in well manner. The open spaces coupled with large metalling or concreting should have open space leaving a small area of soft soil space. So that different types of plants will be arranged in a well planned manner.

Basically, Trees with large canopy and large girth like banyan, peepal etc., will be in a group and to be planted in large open space areas. Similarly, trees with short canopy & slender girth like eucalyptus, coconut; trees with slender girth & slender canopy like betel nuts and short trees with slender girth and slender canopy like banana will be planted systematically so that these will not obstruct anything and will look decently.

Steps shall be taken to plant trees with large canopy and large girth so that those will not shadows on buildings and roots will not spread deep & wide threatening the existing buildings and structures. Residential areas like colonies and establishment areas like office complexes will be preferably be planted with fruits & flower trees appropriately to the space available.

General Manager has also directed officials not to plant trees by drilling a narrow hole through concrete as this will not allow enough space for roots to grow and also threatens built up spaces. Shri Vidya Bhushan also instructed officials to create soft soil kerb at both side of roads to plant trees.

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