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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) :  A seminar on “Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat” was organized at the East Coast Railway Headquarters in which General Manager Sri Vidya Bhushan presided over the function. He addressed the gathering and advised officers and staffs to following integrity in our working environment.

  Dr.Sudhansu Sarangi, Commissioner of Police, Bhubaneswar & Cuttack was theChief Guest on the occasion. He spoke about the folklores of corruption citing many examples. He stressed upon the fact that the difference between a corrupt and non corrupt society is in fact rule of law. A merit based society or meritocracy is less corrupt than an autocratic society. He discussed about virtuous cycle and vicious cycle, citing examples of Kautilya’s fish, as in one can not know when the fish drinks water.  

 Sri H. K.Dutta, Senior Deputy General Manager & Chief Vigilance Officer also spokeabout how we can rise above the desires and follow integrity. The seminar wasattended by other Principal Heads of Departments, Head of Departments andVigilance Officers and officers of ECoR headquarters through web link.

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