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. ● Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) bound trains from Puri & Bhubaneswar to remain cancelled.

● Cuddapah & Lingampalli bound Trains from Visakhapatnam to remain cancelled.

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : In view of poor patronisation in above trains and keeping in view the surge of Covid19 positive cases and to break the chain of infection, it has been decided to cancel four pairs of Express Special trains up to the end of May, 2021 from both the directions.

01. 02866/02865 Puri-LTT-Puri Weekly Special Express from Puri on 18th & 25th May and from LTT on 20th & 27th May, 2021 will remain cancelled.

02. 02880/02879 Bhubaneswar-LTT- Bhubaneswar bi-weekly Special Express from Bhubaneswar on 17th, 20th, 24th & 27th May and from LTT on 19th, 22nd, 26th & 29th May, 2021 will remain cancelled.

03. 07488/07487 Visakhapatnam-Cuddapah-Visakhapatnam daily Express Special from Visakhapatnam from 14th to 31st May and from Cuddapah from 15th to 1st June, 2021 will remain cancelled.

04. 02831/02832 Visakhapatnam-Lingampalli-Visakhapatnam daily Express Special from Visakhapatnam from 14th to 31st May and from Lingampalli from 15th to 1st June, 2021 will remain cancelled.

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