Get Ready to Design the Next Biscuit Shape with Britannia 50-50 ‘Chief SelectorCampaign’

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BHUBANESWAR, 25 SEPTEMBER 2024: Have you ever looked at your favorite biscuit and thought, “I coulddesign something cooler?” Well, now’s your chance! Britannia 50-50 is inviting snack lovers across thecountry to participate in its latest initiative, the Britannia 50-50 Chief Selectorcampaign. This fun andinteractive contest lets you step into the shoes of a designer, giving you the unique opportunity to createthe next iconic biscuit shape. Whether you’re dreaming up zigzags, spirals, or something completely out-of-the-box,this isyour momenttoshine.

Conceptualized by Schbang, this campaign is a natural extension of Britannia’s long-standing tradition ofputting consumers at the heart of its innovation. The film features Ravi Shastri in a digital avatar where heis in a high-tech lab, conversing with scientists and brainstorming the next big biscuit shape—but he’scountingonyou,theconsumers,tocomeupwiththemostcreativeideas!Byinvitingconsumerstobecomepartoftheproductdevelopmentprocess,Britanniacontinuestopushtheboundariesofconsumerengagement inauniqueway.

Ravi Shastri perfectly embodies the dynamic and flavorful dual persona of Britannia 50-50. Much like aChief Selector’s role in identifying top talent and making strategic decisions, Ravi, in his role as ChiefSelector for Britannia 50-50, brings his expertise and sharp eye to the task of identifying the new biscuitshape.”

Amit Doshi,Chief Marketing Officer, Britannia, said,”AtBritannia, we believe in the power of consumer collaboration. The ‘Britannia 50-50 Chief Selector Campaign’ reflects our commitment to innovation byinvolving consumers in designing the next biscuit shape, deepening our connection with them. RaviShastri’s role as Chief Selector brings a unique blend of insight and charisma, aligning perfectly with theenergyofBritannia50-50.ThecreativeteamatSchbanghasbrilliantlycapturedthisdynamic,ensuringthecampaign sets a new benchmark in interactive product development. We are eager to see the incredibledesignsour consumers willbringtolife.”

Ravi Shastri said, “Partnering with Britannia 50-50 has been an absolute delight. The ‘Britannia 50-50 Chief Selector Campaign’ is a brilliant example of how the brand engages its audience by involving the minthe creative process. Britannia is doing fantastic work in connecting with snack lovers across the country,andI amthrilledtobe apartofthisjourney,helping inselectingthenextbiscuitshape.”

HarshilKaria,FounderandMD,Schbangsaid”Thebiscuitworldhasbeenconfinedtoalimitedselectionof shapes for far too long and it was time to break free from the ordinary. With Britannia 50-50 ChiefSelector,weempoweredconsumerstobecomethearchitectsofthefuture,shapingthenextgenerationofbiscuits.Ourplatformgavethemthepowertodesigntheirdreambiscuit,turningsnacktimeintoacreativeplayground. Schbang is proud to have been at the forefront of this innovative campaign, leveragingtechnologyandcreativitytocreatea truly engaging experienceforbiscuit lovers.”

Sohil Karia, Chief Design & Technology Director, Schbang said” Our team at Schbang pushed theboundaries of technology to create a platform that seamlessly blends AI and human creativity. Our AI-poweredscoringalgorithmnotonlyevaluatesbiscuitdesignsbutalsorewardsinnovationanduniqueness.By combining technology with a touch of human ingenuity, we’ve created a groundbreaking experiencethat’s suretoinspire aneweraofuniquebiscuitshapes.“

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