Gwalior-Morena Flyover dedicated to Nation

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New Delhi/Kalinga Voice

The 1.420 km flyover on NH-3 at Morena Town in Madhya Pradesh worth Rs 108 crore was dedicated to Nation today by Union Minister for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj and Food Processing Industries Shri Narendra Singh Tomar.

Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan presided over the function, attended by Union Ministers Shri Thavarchand Gehlot, Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste, MoS-RTH Gen (Retd) V K Singh, local MPs, MLAs, senior officers from the centre and the State.The flyover connecting Dholpur in Rajasthan and Gwalior in MP has been completed within the scheduled 18 months’ period on EPC Mode. Total length of the 4-lane flyover structure is 780 metres, with 300 metre retaining wall approach towards Dholpur and 340 metre retaining wall approach towards Gwalior. The flyover has service road on both sides. The flyover will also decongest Morena city of crowded traffic which in turn save time and avoid fuel wastage.
Speaking on the occasion, Union Minister for Agriculture Shri Narendra Singh Tomar complemented the Union Minister for RTH Shri Nitin Gadkari for quickly sanctioning this project and getting it completed within the scheduled time frame. He also thanked Gen (Retd) V K Singh for actively pursuing this project. He said, this stretch of road will go a long way in easing the traffic in this region.
Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan said, history has changed today with the construction of this flyover. He said, Morena got whatever it asked from the Centre. He outlined a number of development projects undertaken in the district. He called upon the people in Morena to not only witness the story of development, but to participate in it wholeheartedly.
MoS-RTH Gen (Retd) V K Singh said, the government is concentrating on development facilitating convenience of the people. The present stretch is important as it is a major connectivity road in the region. He informed that this flyover will also help in mitigating accidents on this earlier black spot.

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