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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : To provide better comfort and jerk free journey to the passengers, Railways have decided to run Bhubaneswar-Jagadalpur-Bhubaneswar Hirakhand Express with modern Linke-Hofmann-Busch (LHB) coaches from this month. This will replace conventional coaches running at present.

08445/08446 Bhubaneswar-Jagadalpur-Bhubaneswar Special Hirakhand Express w.e.f. 10th September, 2021 from both Bhubaneswar & w.e.f. 11th September, 2021 from Jagadalpur will run with LHB coaches.

Special Hirakhand Express will now run with a load combination of 12 coaches as earlier, i.e. 01 AC 2 Tier, 02 AC-3 Tier, 04 Sleeper Class, Three Second Class Seating and 02 Guard cum Luggage & Divyangjan Coaches. Only conventional coaches will be replaced by LHB coaches.

LHB coaches are anti-telescopic, that means they do not flip in case of a collision, safer, lighter, more comfortable and jerk free. Replacement of ICF conventional coaches phase wise with LHB coaches is being done from safety point of view.

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