Homage to Netaji

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A talk on ‘India’s Biggest Cover Up’ delivered by noted author and Netaji researcher Anuj Dhar


Cuttack: Noted socio-political leader and SNSMT Chairman Shri. Suparno Satpathy paid homage to Netaji at this birth place in Cuttack. 
To mark 23 Jan – Netaji Jayanti – Patriots Day the members and volunteers of Smt. Nandini Satpathy Memorial Trust (SNSMT) had organised a talk on ‘India’s Biggest Cover Up’ the same was delivered by noted author and Netaji researcher Anuj Dhar


Speaking on the occasion Shri. Suparno Satpathy said “The Mayor of Cuttack had put a video message that CM of Odisha  shall be visiting Netaji’s Birthplace on 23 Jan, shall be nice if our friends at CMO could put out a reason for why Naveen Babu chose to avoid this visit to Cuttack” he also said “at the Cuttack Netaji Bus Terminal, Netaji’ birth date 23Jan 1897 is mentioned but there is no death date mentioned, the Netaji’s death mystery awaits a resolution. I appeal to PM Narendra Modi Ji to recall his promise and help us solve the same. Should India wish to be a true vishwa guru (global leader) it is imperative for us to walk on the ideology of the likes of Netaji”


The said SNSMT talk was held at the petit but iconic address of 9, Pithapur, Cuttack. This property was the HQ of Legendary Shri. Bhagabati Charan Panigrahi in 1932 and the same was the HQ of the then Orissa Chief Minister Legendary Smt. Nandini Satpathy in 1972.

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