Panelists participated in discussion on “Inbound Tourism-What lies Ahead!”
Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : The 37th Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) Annual Convention & Travel Mart has been inaugurated on 16th December 2022in presence of Sri Aswini Kumar Patra, Minister, Tourism, Odisha, Mr. AsimArun,MoS (Ind. Charge) Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Secretary Ministry of Tourism GOI Mr. Arvind Singh & DG of UP Tourism Mr. Mukesh Kumar Meshram at The Centrum Hotel Lucknow . This is a four days’ long programme will continue upto 19th December,2022.

Shri Sachin R Jadhav, Director Tourism and MD, Odisha Tourism Development Corporation participated as a Panelist in the Business Session on ‘Inbound Tourism – What Lies Ahead!’ at this Annual Convention & Travel Mart on 17th December at the venue.Addl. Secretary MoT,GoI, Mr. Rakesh Kumar Verma, PS & DG,UP Tourism Mr. MukeshMeshram, Principal Secretary, Tourism & MD, MP Tourism Board Mr. SheoShekharShukla, DG SEPC AbhaySinha& Director Uday Tours & Travel Mr. Rajiv Mehra were the other distinguished speakers in the panel.

On 18th December, delegates from different States have discussed on subject: Explore the Unexplored- Rural, Agriculture,Responsible& Sustainable Tourism. Also a motivational session has been conducted today.