INDIA CORONA 55,079/ 779

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More than 6 lakh tests done in 24 hours.

New Delhi (Kalinga Voice) : India’s COVID tally crosses 16 lakh mark with the highest single-day spike of 55,079 positive cases & 779 deaths in the last 24 hours. Total positive cases in the country stand at 16,38,871 including 5,45,318 active cases. Till today 10,57,806 persons are cured/discharged from Covid hospitals . The total death due to Corona is 35,747 .
More than 6 lakh tests done in 24 hours. Ministry of Health continues to implement the strategy of comprehensive testing, tracking&treatment to effectively tackle pandemic. The objective is to raise testing capacity to 10 lakhs tests per day in medium-term
The total number of COVID19 samples tested up to 30th July is 1,88,32,970 including 6,42,588 samples tested yesterday, says Indian Council of Medical Research

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