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On the allegation of possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income by Shri Rabindra Kumar Mohanty, Junior Clerk, Puintala Block, Dist-Bolangir and his spouse Smt. Meghamala Pattanaik, Asst. Teacher, Govt. Nodal UP School, Dahimal, Dist-Bolangir, simultaneous house searches were conducted at 5 places in Bolangir district by 5 teams of Sambalpur Vigilance Division comprising 3 DSsP, 4 Inspectors and other staff on 07.08.2021 on the strength of Search Warrants issued by the Hon’ble Court of Special Judge, Vigilance, Bolangir.
1 triple storeyed building at Bolangir, 2 Nos of double storeyed buildings at Tusura and Dungripali in Bolangir district, 9 Nos of plots in Bolangirdistrict, 2 Nos of four wheelers, 1 power tiller, 2 Nos of two wheelers, Bank deposits over Rs.15 lakh, Insurance deposits over Rs.13 lakh, cash of Rs.8,06,700/- and other movable and immovable properties, all totalling to over Rs 1.81 crore have been unearthed during the house search.
After thorough search, inventory and further enquiry, the income, expenditure and assets of Shri Rabindra Kumar Mohanty, Junior Clerk were calculated and he was found in possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income to the tune of Rs.99,13,208/- (Rupees Ninty-nine Lakh Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Eight) which constitutes 80% of his known sources of income.
As Shri Rabindra Kumar Mohanty, Junior Clerk, Puintala Block, DistBolangir was found in possession of disproportionate assets, which he could not account for satisfactorily, Sambalpur Vigilance P.S. Case No.20 dt.08.08.2021 was registered against Shri Rabindra Kumar Mohanty U/s 13(2) r/w 13(1 (b)/12 Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act-2018. In course of the investigation, today i.e. on 08.08.2021, Shri Rabindra Kumar Mohanty, Junior Clerk has been arrested and forwarded to the Court of Special Judge, Vigilance, Bolangir.

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